I've been having a look at wireguard, on my x86_64 I have it running with out a problem so I decided to use it on my raspberry pi4 and I'm getting the following error message:
bash-5.1# wg-quick up wg_conf_file
[#] ip link add wg_conf_file type wireguard
Error: Unknown device type.
Unable to access interface: Protocol not supported
[#] ip link delete dev wg_conf_file
Cannot find device "wg_conf_file"
I looked at my VPN's help page which told me:
I use the WireGuard kernel module and can’t connect. Why do I get "Protocol not supported"?
Make sure the kernels and kernel headers that you are running match those from when you installed the WireGuard packages. If not, then upgrade them.
Try rebooting to see if the kernel module loads correctly: in a terminal, issue
sudo modprobe wireguard && lsmod | grep -i wireguard.
which returns:
modprobe: FATAL: Module wireguard not found in directory /lib/modules/5.18.19-armv8
My x86_64 machine is running Slackware15 whilst my raspberry pi 4 is running 'Slackware AARch64' using the '5.18.19-armv8' kernel.
Will I have to add the appropriate module?