Originally Posted by glorsplitz
I'd like to see what happens if I can compile just the patched sun7i-a20-bananapro.dts and replace /boot/dtb-4.19.36/sun7i-a20-bananapro.dtb with patched compiled one.
Thanks again for the comments and interest.
Sorry but this is where I cannot test my theory because I have no BPi to play with. The method is pretty much the same, I would imagine, under Slackware on any platform.
You need to apply the patch to the existing kernel .config then compile the kernel, dtbs, and modules. While working within the Linux source directory, it would go something like this...
root@slackbox:~# cp /path/to/backup/kernel/.config /path/to/Linux/source/.config
# if it's a .gz archive then zcat it
root@slackbox:~# cd /path/to/Linux/source/
root@slackbox:~# patch -p1 < ARM-dts-sun7i-Disable-OOB-IRQ-for-brcm-wifi-on-Cubietruck-and-Banana-Pro.patch
root@slackbox:~# make Image
root@slackbox:~# make dtbs
root@slackbox:~# make modules
root@slackbox:~# make modules_install