Originally Posted by Tonus
No real internet : only on mobile phone
So I have to limit my dls...
Okay, so you are getting to the internet on your phone. Thank you for clearing THAT up!
(NOT magic!)
On my phone I get to the internet the same way I do on my Pinebook Pro, my laptops, the television, and most other devices here: they all use the house WIFI. As far as I know, a Pinephone can use WIFI.
The way to consider a Pinephone is not as a phone that can also do some Linux. It is a pocket Linux computer that also has phone functions. You should also consider the software to be still in development. You will load a new Os on it much the way one loads a new OS on a Pinebook: burn it to an SD card and then boot the device off that SD card. Detail and current options are on the Pine64 site, and especially in the WIKI pages.
The Manjaro group has invest4ed a LOT in supporting Pine64 devices, and is the most mature in many ways. I recommend leaving it on the EMMC and testing other software ONLY using the sd card. (Also pay close attention to the SD card recommendations. I have tested several, and only a few actually work well enough to support hosting an OS for Pine devices.)