Originally Posted by glorsplitz
Just curious, when -current becomes stable and next current happens, there'll be two hard float slackwarearm?
There is no "hard float" version of Slackware ARM ("-current" isn't a version). The ABI used for the OS doesn't affect release management and maintenance - I only make a distinction using versions of Slackware. e.g. "This package is built for Slackware ARM 14.2".
When Slackware 15.0 is released, 14.2 will be EOL'd, -current dir tree is copied to -15.0.
The only thing that matters is that 14.2 will be the last release able to run on older (>=armv5) hardware, and that one cannot perform an in-place upgrade from 14.2->15.0. This is documented in the upgrade notes ready for release day already :-)