Originally Posted by glorsplitz
There have been a few threads here regarding issues with sdcard quality and related issues because of.
if /dev/mmcblk1p1 on /boot is used only to boot
what if /dev/mmcblk1p1 is umount after system is up and running and sdcard ejected, then for any kernel updates reinsert and mount sdcard before updating
might this permit better sdcard longevity ?
Once the OS has booted, /boot would have reads from any cron jobs that happen to touch /boot - the only one that comes to mind is slocate; but there's not exactly much in /boot so it's hardly going to be hammered with reads.
umounting it makes updating the packages more involved since you have to remount it prior to performing an upgrade.
If you're happy with that I can't think of any reason why not to umount it, although I wouldn't for the reason I stated above.