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Old 08-16-2018, 07:41 AM   #1
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Distribution: Slackware, Slackwarearm
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problem installing with source on a usb stick

I usually rsync slackwarearm onto a usb stick and then install from it. As I have several bananpros I keep a spare sd card configured with a u-boot script that will boot from a boot directory on the card containing the dtb directory, kernel and initrd.img. This seemed simple to me and I never had a problem.

I have been using dtb kernel and intrd.img from over a year ago (kernel is 4.11.0rc8, current mid May last year) and was able to use this setup to install current as of around this past June (kernel 4.17.2)

I thought I'd have a go with a new install using current as of the 14th this month and while I was at it I set up the install sd card with the kernel and intrd.img from current 14/08. when I boot up the system does not detect either usb stick in either port. I switched the kernel and intrd.img on the install sd card back to the kernel and initrd.img from current 21/06 and had the same problem, usb sticks are not detected.

I put the kernel and intrd.img from May last year back on the card, usb sticks are detected when I boot up to install and I can install current June 21

I have current from June 21 installed now and once it is up and running it detects both usb sticks.

All a bit long winded. I hope you understand the situation. Is there a reason why the usb sticks are not now recognised if I use these recent kernels and intrd.img's ?
Old 08-16-2018, 10:11 PM   #2
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I have a problem similar to this (not recognizing pendrive in the installation):
Slackware 14.2 was downloaded and stored on a flash drive with the "wget" command. I can do the installation normally, it is recognized by the installer "Sarpi".
But the version that interests me is current.
However, with Slackware-current things are different:
I stored the System on a USB stick, the same way I did with Slackware 14.2
I also installed "Sarpi" (corresponding to this version) in the micro-sd, but the installer does not recognize the pendrive!
And even though I choose the option "Install from a pre-mounted directory", the installer does not advance!
Note: first I have mounted the pendrive in the / floppy partition and I see the slackwarearm-current folder there, but it is not recognized by the installation script in any way!
What I really wanted was a ready-made image of the Slackware-current System (of any age) to install everything on the microsd by the "Etcher" utility, without any frills!
And once installed, I could customize, taking out or adding whatever I wanted. Only that!
And so I would leave the installer Sarpi at once ... But I have not found
another way to do this installation in addition to the Sarpi method or the Network.
But installing by the network is still complicated for me, that I am lay.
I find all this very "bureaucratic".

Last edited by MLagoa; 08-16-2018 at 10:31 PM. Reason: Erros de tradução no idioma
Old 08-16-2018, 11:51 PM   #3
Registered: Aug 2003
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I'm thinking that if you are using a Sarpi installer then you have some sort of RaspberryPi. If you can mount that pendrive on root can see theslackware source than you are OK. I don't have any Pi's now but remember installing on them with Sarpi. I think installer should work the same now as 4 years ago or so.

Note that I install from source on a usb stick formatted with ext4 I do not know for sure if you can do it my way on something formatted FAT. Maybe someone else can advise.

After your installer boots up log in as root. Don't forget to set the current date with no spaces
bash-4.3# date 081713052018
Fri Aug 17 13:05:00 AEST 2018
Then run fdisk -l. The last listing should be your pen drive, probably /dev/sda1 I do not use /dev/floppy. I create a directory in the root system and mount my stick there.
bash-4.3# mkdir sda1
bash-4.3# mount /dev/sda1 sda1
then run
bash-4.3# ls sda1
If you can see your slackware source directory you are good to go. Proceed to set up partitions as instructed by Sarpi and then whatever else Sarpi says to do until you get to the step "Source Media Selection"

Instead of selecting Install from a Slackware USB stick select Install from a pre-mounted directory and hit Enter. You will then be asked to provide a path to the Slackware source directory. I rsync my source into a directory named slackwarearm-current so I would enter the path as sda1/slackwarearm-current and hit Enter. If you enter an incorrect path you will be asked to try again. If you have it correct the next step will prompt you to select the software packages and it should all proceed as per the Sarpi instructions.

I hope that helps. There are no official images. There is only installing with the Slackware installer unless you can find someone to give you an image of their own that matches your Pi. However, you won't learn much having someone build a system for you and once you learn how to run Slackware you will know how to run Linux although it will be a bit challenging at first. Come back if you have any other questions we're a friendly lot.
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Old 08-17-2018, 12:29 AM   #4
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Thanks for the answer!
Yes, I have a Raspberry Pi3B.
I have already done the recommended procedure, as explained in the how to of "Sarpi". With this procedure I can install Slackware 14.2 soft float.
I use the same procedure trying to install Slacware-current (changing only the Sarpi version and slackwarearm-current folder) without skipping steps, but the installer can not recognize the pendrive!
However, in the how to do of Sarpi it recommends to mount the pendrive in the partition / floppy ...
This is where I ask the installer to see the "slackwarearm-current" folder!
It says like this:
root @ slackware: ~ # mount / dev / sda1 /
floppy root @ slackware: ~ # ls / floppy

But I will now try to mount the pendrive directly as / sda1 (in my case, sdc) as per your recommendation.
Soon I will return to say the result!
Old 08-17-2018, 06:49 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by justwantin View Post
All a bit long winded. I hope you understand the situation. Is there a reason why the usb sticks are not now recognised if I use these recent kernels and intrd.img's ?
After being scared to death of the security concerns around USB sticks containing hidden malware and viruses, I took the decision to remove USB support to try and protect you all.

Only joking! It looks like the USB power module for that hardware (USB support within the installer works fine for the Orange Pi) has been moved to a new location that isn't included within the installer.
Thanks for the report - I'll fix it in the next push of -current.
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Old 08-17-2018, 08:02 AM   #6
Registered: Aug 2003
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de nada ... I'll have a squiz then

Last edited by justwantin; 08-17-2018 at 08:04 AM. Reason: tyop
Old 08-17-2018, 11:22 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by justwantin View Post
de nada ... I'll have a squiz then
My Banana Pi is currently installing from the slackware tree on a USB stick.
The new kernels and installers are now out -- let me know if it doesn't work.
Old 08-17-2018, 04:13 PM   #8
Registered: Aug 2003
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I just put the new kernel, installer and dtb directory on my install sdcard. All good, brought up installer, plugged in a usb stick and was able to mount it and cd into it. Cheers
Old 08-18-2018, 10:07 AM   #9
Registered: Dec 2008
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Originally Posted by drmozes View Post
After being scared to death of the security concerns around USB sticks containing hidden malware and viruses, I took the decision to remove USB support to try and protect you all.


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