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Old 04-06-2016, 05:34 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2016
Posts: 2

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Newbie: unable to install rt5370 driver

Hello community.
First: I am french and as you know, we are six feet under in English level. So I am sure that my text will have more grammatical error than words. So I apologize for it. SORRY SORRY SORRY...

So. I bought a raspberry pi 2 B+. It's good machine but a little bit slow... Don't care.

I install slackware as it's written here:
Of course, I install ntp AFTER reading there no rtc module in raspberry so "slackpkg update" failed... Of course!
Now two problems. One minor and one major.

Minor: if I do "slackpkg upgrade-all". All is fine BUT when I reboot, unable to access !?! System demand login and password again and again without any written error... So I upgrade only kernel packages. If anyone know anything about that...

Major: I bought a wifi dongles with RT5370 chipset because this one can realise ad-hoc instrastructure. But, of course, I don't see it in iw but dongle is detected in dmesg. There is an hope! So I would like to install the rt5370 driver with slackbuild package. And of course, when I try ./RT5370.Slackbuild,the script extract lib and do some make and now say " make[1]: /lib/modules/4.1.21-v7+/build: no such file or directory. Stop.
Ok clearly, the script is not for arm and/or raspberry pi. So the question is: is there anything that I did wrong and so I hope I can install it or I have to compil the sources? If the second answer is correct: shit! I don't know how to do that! I need tuto!

Thanks for reading all of this... If you can do anything...
Have a nice day!
Old 04-06-2016, 10:43 PM   #2
Wiser Slacker
Registered: May 2014
Location: germany
Distribution: slackware x86_64 , arm , slackware , AlmaLinux
Posts: 83

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maybe it helps a litle bit ...


welcome to the geek-community

Originally Posted by AlbertTheNewbie View Post
Minor: if I do "slackpkg upgrade-all". All is fine BUT when I reboot, unable to access !?! System demand login and password again and again without any written error... So I upgrade only kernel packages. If anyone know anything about that...
if you do this remotely by ssh, and you are root, this is found in the config /etc/ssh/sshd_config
you have to insert PermitRootLogin yes - that may have been changed in the last time ...

Originally Posted by AlbertTheNewbie View Post
Major: I bought a wifi dongles with RT5370 chipset because this one can realise ad-hoc instrastructure. But, of course, I don't see it in iw but dongle is detected in dmesg. There is an hope! So I would like to install the rt5370 driver with slackbuild package. And of course, when I try ./RT5370.Slackbuild,the script extract lib and do some make and now say " make[1]: /lib/modules/4.1.21-v7+/build: no such file or directory. Stop.
Ok clearly, the script is not for arm and/or raspberry pi. So the question is: is there anything that I did wrong and so I hope I can install it or I have to compil the sources? If the second answer is correct: shit! I don't know how to do that! I need tuto!
do you rearly have this kernel version ? 4.1.21-v7+
than you have to install the "kernel package" and do the link from /lib/modules/4.1.21-v7+/build -> /usr/src/linux-4.1.21

you may retry it than -

or get a clean comunity kernel and start on trying building your first own kernel ...
you could than change everythink you want to ...

maybe it helps


Last edited by Wiser Slacker; 04-06-2016 at 10:44 PM. Reason: the most importent think is : RTFM
Old 04-07-2016, 03:49 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2016
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Hello. Thanks for the quick response (<- probably grammaticaly wrong)
Two new update:
- when I did all the update, I cannot login in local. I didn't try with the remote. So the problem is deeper... But ! Yesterday, I success in update the kernel by rpi-update. Now, I really run the 4.1.21. So, the news !: the dongle is recognize! Do you think I have to install the driver or let the kernel doing the job?

Next: I downloaded the Slackbuild package for hostapd (witch I need for access point). Installation ran normally and the compilation from blablabla.c was ok. Now the package is good. So I think I can compil direct from C sources.

For the rest: in the lib/modules I can found 3.18.9-v7-arm, 4.1.21+, 4.1.21-v7+, 4.4.6-armv5 and 4.4.6-armv7 directory. But in usr/src there is only linux-4.4.6 directory. To update the system I followed this link . But, as I am newbie, I don't know exactly what it did. So perhaps, I forget something important link update links... But how I do that???

For compiling the kernel, I would try the experience with another rpi when the access point would be OK.

Thanks for all.


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