Originally Posted by Minime_2003
You are missing dav1d and libnfs.
These are not required, see
Originally Posted by Minime_2003
Please check out my slackbuild script for kodi 19.5 and 20.1.
I used your build script to build the x11 version. It builds like a charm. Executing the binary kodi-standalone results in:
ERROR: Unable to create GUI. Exiting
ERROR: Unable to create GUI. Exiting
ERROR: Unable to create GUI. Exiting
/usr/bin/kodi --standalone has exited in an unclean state 3 times in the last 5 seconds.
Something is probably wrong
I wonder why.
Originally Posted by Minime_2003
Also have some prebuild slackware 15.0 arm kodi 19.5 and kodi 20.1 packages built for both x11 and gbm.
I installed your kodi-x11 Matrix binary yesterday: yesterday it ran nicely. Today I installed the one using your buildscript and removed it. Reinstalled your binary running now 320% cpu time?? The kodi-gbm gives the "Unable to Create GUI" error.
Originally Posted by Minime_2003
On an x86 processor you might get this error "EROR: Unable to create GUI. Exiting" if you have upgraded xorg-server and not reisntalled the graphics driver.
Note you cannot run gbm on an x86 computer as it does not support gbm, you will have to run kodi from x11.
You are right.
Remark cpu load of 320% disappeared. I cannot control Kodi by remote control of television despite of /dev/cecX exists.