I am attempting to build the Slackware Installer
Within the build_installer.sh : Build the Slackware installer from scratch (multiple architectures) written by Stuart Winter, and Eric Hameleers
The script crashed when looking for arm/installer-patches/setkernel, arm/rc.modules-arm, arm/installer-patches/slackinstall-logerror.diff, I have not been able to find this $SRCDIR/arm directory?
# Apply ARM patches to the installer scripts:
# We don't need to set a Kernel for Slackware ARM yet, as the boot loader config is usually
# out of reach of the OS and needs to be configured independently.
install -${VERBOSE1}pm755 $SRCDIR/arm/installer-patches/setkernel usr/lib/setup/SeTkernel
# Load Kernel modules required for filesystems and so on.
sed -i '\?^#.*!/bin/? a\/etc/rc.d/rc.modules-arm' etc/rc.d/rc.S
install -${VERBOSE1}pm755 $SRCDIR/arm/rc.modules-arm etc/rc.d/
# Set the system clock from the hardware clock before fudging the date
# since on ARM the system clock is not automatically set on all devices.
sed -i '/^touch \/.today/ a/sbin/hwclock --hctosys' etc/rc.d/rc.S
# Log errors into /tmp on the root filesystem. This helps the development
# process -- sometimes the doinst.sh scripts bail out because of a missing
# dependency (or sometimes a package just needs a recompile).
patch ${VERBOSETXT} -p0 < $SRCDIR/arm/installer-patches/slackinstall-logerror.diff || exit 1
# On some ARM devices there is no RTC so it's best to disable the
# fsck checks on the filesystems.
install -${VERBOSE1}pm755 $SRCDIR/arm/armedslack-nofscheck usr/lib/setup/
patch ${VERBOSETXT} -p0 < $SRCDIR/arm/installer-patches/SeTpartitions-add-nofscheck.diff || exit 1
Is there source missing? Is this depreciated? I have not been able to find setkernel, rc.modules-arm, or other files from within this portion of the build script.