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Old 03-08-2019, 05:35 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2019
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curious about bluealsa

Hiya there all:
I'm new here, so I hope I'm posting to the right place, if not, I hope I'll recieve a nudge in the right direction.
I've been using Slackware both Current and 14.2 on the Raspberry Pi 3B plus and have a question about Bluealsa.
I've gotten it to work via a Slackbuild on 14.2 though it's choppy at best when it does work and sometimes doesn't work.
I prefer Current, so have pretty much stopped with 14.2 but as good as all the other audio works, bluealsa doesn't seem to work at all and I'm wondering if it's because the version of alsa is the reason, or if anyone here is using it successfully on Current.
I did notice the version of alsa in Current is 1.1.8. Any clarafication is welcome.
Take care all.


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