Originally Posted by netcrawl
I know that you're trying to avoid using pavucontrol, but you might check it to see if all 3 profiles are available. If they're there, enable all 3 and you should be able to use cli to control outputs afterwards. Works for me, anyway.
-set both profiles to stereo in pavucontrol
-pacmd list-sinks -> No PulseAudio daemon running, or not running as session daemon.
-mplayer "something"-> I hear "plof'
-pacmd list-sinks | grep index
* index: 0
index: 1
-pacmd set-default-sink 1 -> swithes HDMI audio to headphone jack
-pacmd set-default-sink 0 -> swithes headphone jack to HDMI audio
Thanks Netcrawl!
Remark: Don't use pactl (as in Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye), but use pacmd.