In the installation instructions for the Orange Pi PC is the following for burning uboot to sd card:
xzcat *sdcard_latest.img.xz > /dev/sdXXX ## Replace XXX with the correct value (often 'b', 'c' or 'd')
My question is should I use
xzcat *sdcard_latest.img.xz > /dev/sdg
xzcat *sdcard_latest.img.xz > /dev/sdg1
sdg is what the sd card appears in my card reader. I ask because I was trying a new install with the latest changes. (using -current) I first tried the second version of the command assuming it should go into the first (only) partition and got an error of not enough space. Then I tried without the partition number which appeared to work, but won't boot the system. Before I do perverted things to another sd card I need clarification on which command to use.
Thanks for bearing with my poor ossified mind.