I beleve that is a hijacking post, or offtopic, but:
Which one do i like best?
It really depends on what you expect from your linux system. If you want "ease of use" i would go for SUSE, it lets you do most things in a graphical mode, this is really usefull for n00bs and/or people who need a stable Linux system that can easily be set up (or in my case, easy fixes on the move with my laptop

Fedora Core is great for testing new technology as it comes fully loaded with new programs (usually unstable and beta), but it IS unstable and can crash more often (although crashing is still rare

Slackware is aimed more of a hardcore user, it is not designed for n00bs (although this was all i could find at the time, so i learned the hard way!), more of the configureation is done from console (text mode)
If you want to try linux before messing up your hard drive, try Knoppix, as it runs off a CD
Hope this has helped you and may influence you on your choice