hi, just two things to get out of the way first.
1) i upgraded to fluxbox-9.15.1 from 9.13 (10.2 pack), but the menu under 'Fluxbox Menu > Configure' the 'antilaise' option seems to be missing? so now half the Systme styles look pretty awful! how do i get it back?
2) is it possible to use a single key key-binding, rather than 2? ie if you wanted to only use ctl to change to desktops?
ok main point, i upgarded fluxbox, and launched it no problem. i then used "xwmconfig" to change back to using kde. once i had finised what was doing in kde i then used "xwmconfig" to add fluxbox-9.15 again. but invoking 'startx' strangly it wouldnt load, just dumped me back the command line.
hmm odd.
so i checked xinitrc which was emtpy. that was the problem
i went over the steps i just did to see if it wasnt just me being stupid. same thing happened. i then checked it in a newly created acct. same thing, "xwmconfig" doesnt add anything to the xinitrc when you use 9.15.
not that its a big problem, but just interested if anyone had come across it?