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Old 07-14-2014, 11:48 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2014
Posts: 3

Rep: Reputation: Disabled
XKB: Rules returned no components

Fresh Slackware 14.1 install, using a known working custom 3.14.0 kernel (known to be stable over a long period of time on the same physical machine).

I get the error "XKB: Rules returned no components" when I try to start X.

X fails to start at all because of this.

I have tried without any xorg.conf but also with an xorg.conf. I have tried to delete my 90-keyboard-rules file in the xorg.conf.d directory, it didn't help.

I've tried to run xorgsetup and let it generate a file, it didn't help.
I've tried to do X -configure, and let it generate a file, it didn't help.

I've tried to disable hotplugging in xorg.conf, it didn't help.

My full Xorg.log:

My xorg.conf (keep in mind I've tried with no xorg.conf at all, same error):

This particular machine, with the exact same hardware (same keyboard, mouse, no new adapters, or anything new, nor different), has worked perfectly fine on the exact same kernel, running Slackware 14.1.

I reinstalled after getting some strange file system errors. I suspected that the SSD itself might have an issue, but there is nothing to indicate this after I've reinstalled. Nothing in dmesg or anything else suspicious.

I noticed another thread on this issue with "XKB: Rules returned no components", there the solution was simply that / was full. This is not the case on my system, I can create new files and do whatever I want, nothing seems strange except that X gives me this weird error.
Old 07-15-2014, 01:24 AM   #2
Didier Spaier
LQ Addict
Registered: Nov 2008
Location: Paris, France
Distribution: Slint64-15.0
Posts: 11,260

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A few questions:
  1. Did you make a full Slackware installation ?
  2. Did you set any specific udev rule?
  3. Any strange message showing in dmesg about udev/evdev?
  4. Did you install the kernel modules?
  5. Does this occur with a Slackware huge or generic kernel + modules?
  6. What is your hardware configuration? Especially, how is the keyboard attached?
  7. As you have a / encrypted partition, did you follow these instructions about initrd and keyboard?

Last edited by Didier Spaier; 07-15-2014 at 01:31 AM.


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