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cwizardone 02-03-2011 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by gezley (Post 4247764)
I really do think it is most unfair of you to blame XFCE for all your problems with 4.8...

You, gezly, can kiss.... well, you get the idea.... :mad:
I've made several attempts, from scratch, to get 4.8 to work as advertised, and as of the moment, it does not.
When an outfit puts out a package, I, gee whiz, expect it to work, as promised in their hype, and 4.8 does not. The boys at Xfce should have waited until it was really ready, instead of rushing to meet their 16 January deadline.
BTW, from scratch means deleting all other references to Xfce on the hard drive and doing a "fresh" install.
If it works for you, fine. However, it doesn't work for me. I'm no expert, that is for certain, so maybe Xfce is a little too 'advanced' for me.....:rolleyes:

Gerard Lally 02-03-2011 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by cwizardone (Post 4247785)
You, gezly, can kiss.... well, you get the idea.... :mad:
I've made several attempts, from scratch, to get 4.8 to work as advertised, and as of the moment, it does not. When an outfit puts out a package, I, gee whiz, expect it to work, as promised in their hype, and 4.8 does not. The boys at Xfce should have waited until it was really ready, instead of rushing to meet their 16 January deadline.

Let's get a little bit of perspective here, shall we? XFCE is maintained by a very small group of developers who have consistently put out an excellent desktop environment for years. Do KDE with their thousands of developers wait until their software is really ready? Do Microsoft with their thousands upon thousands of paid developers? Was Windows XP ready for release in 2001? No it wasn't. You only have to look at the three Service Packs and hundreds of other updates to understand this. Was Vista ready in 2006? No. Two Service Packs and hundreds of updates later it still isn't ready.

Yet these are the work of paid developers with feedback from far more beta testers than XFCE will ever have in 3 lifetimes.

How on earth you can complain about the XFCE developers when you install the software on Slackware multilib -current while you mix and match plugins from all over the place is beyond me. I understand that Slackware is maintained by the smallest team imaginable and XFCE by a team not much bigger. That is why I am continually amazed that between them they put out a better product than others whose annual profits are measured in billions. It's also why I am prepared to take the rough with the smooth when things don't quite work out. I'm not a guy who wants things done yesterday, especially if I am getting it done for free.

Sure - look for help when you want to try out a brand new release of XFCE on a beta release of Slackware but don't start pinning all the blame on the XFCE developers and maintainers until you are certain it is their fault your setup isn't working. Your last post suggests to me that many of your problems are now solved; that suggests to me XFCE most definitely wasn't your problem, or at least wasn't entirely to blame. All I am saying is you should be a little less trigger happy until you are sure you have the real culprit.

I don't want to get into a fight with you over this; I just feel strongly that people have no right to demand solutions to their problems when they are getting a damn good product for nothing, put together by people who are working in their own spare time to perfect the product.

And there is no such thing as software that is finally ready. Software is always in flux. I feel nothing but admiration and gratitude towards those who manage to keep such a stable desktop working despite the millions of permutations and combinations that can go wrong in the ever-changing flux that is computer software. I think you should adopt the same attitude. And if something goes wrong once every ten years then be patient and wait for people to fix it in their own time. It's not as though 4.6.2 is unusable.

cwizardone 02-03-2011 11:05 PM

You have a few good points, i.e., Opensource software (free), small development teams, etc., and you are correct, mickeysoft has been using the public to beta test their software for decades and making them pay for the "privilege." The complete debacle surrounding KDE 4 was very disappointing and it pushed many people away from KDE and towards alternatives such as Xfce.

Regardless, if you have followed the progress of the source code being posted at you will have noticed the "problems" that are being solved are a result of the bugs being ID-ed, fixed, and patched/upgraded source code being made available.

willysr 02-03-2011 11:21 PM

Thanks to Robby
the latest build fixed the icons problem on the desktop application launcher. Previously, i got a plain icons no matter how i tried to add an icons to the launcher.
After i upgraded to the latest build, it has fixed the problem and i got the nice icons on the launcher shortcuts on desktop

rmjohnso 02-05-2011 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by disturbed1 (Post 4247378)
But wavelan not compiling on your end is not a good sign. Nor the others. I'm sure Florian and Nick would like to be informed about it. Here's the bug report about wavelan. It was tagged as fixed, and a new release was pushed in mid December

I checked, and I also missed the latest for wavelan. I have no problems with it.

@cwizardone - For the weather and wavelan plug-ins, the site does not have the latest versions. Just download the .tar.gz file for the build scripts for these, grab the latest source for the weather and wavelan plug-ins, and then update the version info in the SlackBuild scripts. They should compile and run just fine.

Ilgar 02-05-2011 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by rmjohnso (Post 4249250)
For the weather and wavelan plug-ins, the site does not have the latest versions. Just download the .tar.gz file for the build scripts for these, grab the latest source for the weather and wavelan plug-ins, and then update the version info in the SlackBuild scripts.

Indeed sbopkg lets you modify the info and Slackbuild files (under the menu item "Custom"). You can edit the info file to change the download link and version, and then edit the slackbuild to change the version suffix. You will get an mdsum mismatch but just ignore it.

cwizardone 02-05-2011 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by rmjohnso (Post 4249250)
...@cwizardone - For the weather and wavelan plug-ins, the site does not have the latest versions. Just download the .tar.gz file for the build scripts for these, grab the latest source for the weather and wavelan plug-ins, and then update the version info in the SlackBuild scripts. They should compile and run just fine.

Thanks. The weather plug-in has been complied, installed, and it is working.
Now if we could get a "fix" for the system tray and mixer all would be well. :)

disturbed1 02-05-2011 12:24 PM

Doesn't it just irk you when someone asks a question - you identify the problem, provide the steps to fix the problem - and they are just too stupid to figure it out? Until 3 days later someone else posts half the information you did. When in fact if someone would at least attempt to follow the steps you've provided none of this mess would even be here. I swear some people really need to just box up their computers and send them back. Thankfully this forum has an ignore list.

cwizardone 02-05-2011 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by disturbed1 (Post 4249317)
...3 days later....

See post #194.

rmjohnso 02-06-2011 09:57 AM

cwizardone - What are the problems that you are having with the system tray and mixer? These are included in Robby's packages, and I don't have any problems with them.

cwizardone 02-06-2011 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by rmjohnso (Post 4249996)
cwizardone - What are the problems that you are having with the system tray and mixer? These are included in Robby's packages, and I don't have any problems with them.

The mixer installs, but you can't raise or lower the volume by putting the mouse over the mixer icon and moving the mouse wheel back and forth.
As to the system tray, I went through and deleted all the Xfce configuration files I could find, re-installed 4.8, and this time the system tray appeared. :scratch:

rmjohnso 02-11-2011 09:27 PM

I've been trying to mount USB flash drives, and I'm still coming up empty. When I insert a flash drive into a USB port, xfce automatically puts the icon on the desktop. An icon also appears in Thunar under the Network icon in the left-hand side pane. If I try to open or mount the drive, I get the following message, "Failed to mount '<DRIVE NAME>' Not Authorized."

If I open a terminal as my normal user, I can issue the command 'udisks --mount /dev/sdb1' and the drive will mount with no problems, and I can browse the contents in Thunar. I can then issue 'udisks --unmount /dev/sdb1' and 'udisks --eject /dev/sdb' with no problems.

I thought xfce and Thunar were relying on udisks to mount drives. I have the right permissions according to udisks, so I don't know why xfce and Thunar don't think I have sufficient permissions.

cwizardone 02-18-2011 12:23 PM

Mr. Workman,

Thank you for the recent upgrades. Greatly appreciated!


mlpa 02-18-2011 01:21 PM

I know this is a very long shot, but with all this time to Pat launch Slackware 13.2 or 14 it's possible to include xfce 4.8 and KDE 4.6?

cwizardone 02-18-2011 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by rmjohnso (Post 4255716)
I've been trying to mount USB flash drives, and I'm still coming up empty. When I insert a flash drive into a USB port, xfce automatically puts the icon on the desktop. An icon also appears in Thunar under the Network icon in the left-hand side pane....

For the first time in many months, this morning I had the opportunity to use a Floppy disk and an external USB drive.
Neither were recognized by Xfce 4.8. I was able to get to the USB drive by opening a terminal and, as root, mounting
it "by hand," but was never able to get it to see the floppy.
Just FYI.

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