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Old 08-13-2003, 02:48 AM   #1
Registered: Jan 2002
Location: New Zealand
Distribution: Mandrake 9.1,Suse 8.2
Posts: 139

Rep: Reputation: 15
X Sever crash after xset.tgz & vg16.tgz install

Install Slackware 9.0 one week,screw up X the following.I had just installed xset.tgz and xvg16.tgz packages to try out XF86Setup (I should have stuck to the command line),rebooted and now I can not start X.I get this error message just after “Starting X Session Manager”: I can not start the X Server-Could not find config file-tried //XF86Config-/etc/XF86Config-/usr/X11R6/lib/XF86Config.clear-/usr/X11R6/lib/XF86Config.
Fatal Server error-no config file found.
Carried on and eventually got into XF86Setup.Manged to configure mouse and keyboard,but card,monitor,Modeselsction and other gave us this error.
Error:bad index””:must be interger or”end”-a copy of the stack trace has been saved in the file
bad index””: must be interger or “end” while executing
“lindex $XKBComponents(options,names) $ Keyboard Xkb0p+s ($ key)
Procedure'Keyboard_Loadsettings”line 27)
invoked from within
“Keyboard_loadsettings $ win setvars”
procedure “keyboard_deactivate”line 4)
invoked from within
“$ {previous selection}_deactivate $ win”
(procedure “conflict_select” line 6)
invoked from within
“ Conflict_select Xf86setup”
invoked from within
“ Xf86 card invoke”)
(“uplevel” body line 1)
invoked from within
“ uplevel # 0 [ list $ w invoke ]”
(procedure “”
(command bound to event)
I start Slackware using a boot floppy,which in turn runs Lilo and I get the option of Win98 or Slackware,(a little bit odd but that's how it is).On the same HD I have Suse 8.2 and Mandrake 9.1,both booting from Lilo floppies.I made a rescuse.dsk from the supplemental cd that I got when I bought the Slackware 9.0 cd.Tried mounting it at the Lilo boot promt (mount /dev/fd0),but all I get is no image found.Well here's hoping some kind soul will walk me through this stuff up.




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