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Slovak 01-20-2005 07:50 PM

Will this SATA card work?
I wish to install this SATA card, but am wondering if I can compile and install the driver, shutdown and install the card, reboot and have it recognized and working in Slack so I can use my windowz drive at ATA133 speed? This is the readme included for the drivers...
Promise SATA150 Series Linux Driver Version

July 23, 2003


- Foreword
- Support List
- File List
- Prerequisites
- Building and Installation
- OS Dependent Information
- Troubleshooting
- Support


Use this driver with all Promise SATA150 Series adapter and onboard
chipsets running under the Linux operating system.

Support List

The following Promise SATA150 series adapters and Linux operating systems are
compatible with the drivers in this release:

Chipset Adapter Name
-------- ------------
PDC20318 Promise SATA150 TX4
PDC20375 Promise SATA150 TX2plus
PDC20378 Promise SATA 378
PDC20618 Promise Ultra 618

OS kernel version
-- --------------
RedHat 7.3 kernel 2.4.18-3
RedHat 8.0 kernel 2.4.18-14
Mandrake 9.0 kernel 2.4.19-16
SuSE 8.0 kernel 2.4.18
SuSE 8.1 kernel 2.4.19
TurboLinux 8.0 kernel 2.4.18
N/A kernel 2.4.x (a kernel that you compiled)

File List

File Name Description
--------- -----------
pdc618_mod.c Promise SATA150 Series Linux Driver
pdc618_mod.h header file of pdc618_mod.c
Makefile Makefile of Linux driver
cam/ directory of Common Access Module (CAM).
needed by pdc618_mod.c


A develop environment is required to compile SATA150 Linux driver. Please
verify these tools are all functional. The easiest way is to choose the
developer toolkit when installing Linux.

4.1 kernel source code
#rpm -qa|grep kernel-source

4.2 GNU C
#gcc --version

4.3 GNU make
#make --version

4.4 binutils
#ld --version

4.5 modutils
#insmod -V

Building and Installation

For the build to work properly it is important that the currently running
kernel MATCH the version and configuration of the installed kernel source.

5.1 Create the folder: /usr/local/src/pdc-ultra

5.2 Copy all files in the Ultra-1.0.8 package into the pdc-ultra folder.

5.3 Clean up old object files.

#make clean

5.4 Compile SATA150 Linux driver.


5.5 Install the driver module.

#make install

5.6 Load SCSI driver first
(Some OS have built in kernel and can skip this step, such as SuSE)

#insmod scsi_mod
#insmod sd_mod

5.7 Load the driver module.

#insmod pdc-ultra

NOTE: `insmod pdc-ultra' and `insmod pdc-ultra.o' is different.
`insmod pdc-ultra' will load /lib/modules/<kernel_version>/kernel/drivers/
`insmod pdc-ultra.o' will load pdc-ultra.o in current directory.

5.8 Create a RAM Disk. An example:

#mkinitrd --preload scsi_mod --preload sd_mod --with=pdc-ultra
/boot/initrd.ft `uname -r`

5.9 Edit your boot loader to recognize the RAM Disk.

5.10 Restart Linux, partition and format the drive(s) on the SATA150 card.

OS Dependent Information

6.1 SuSE 8.x

Compiling Linux SATA150 Drivers
When trying to compile SATA150 drivers on SuSE 8.x systems a compilation
failure occurs, and a message regarding a mismatch between the running kernel
and the kernel source tree configuration appears. By default, SuSE installs
SMP kernel while the kernel source tree is configured for UP. A possible
solution is to reconfigure kernel configuration.

#cd /usr/src/linux/
#make mrproper
#cp /boot/vmlinuz.config .config
#make oldconfig
#make dep


7.1 Can't compile SATA Linux dirver
1. Read Prerequisties section, make sure all tools are functional. For more
information, please read kernel documents.
2. Linux kernel must be configured correctly.

When I `insmod pdc-ultra.o', there are some error messages.

7.2 pdc-ultra.o: kernel-module version mismatch
That means kernel version mismatch.
1. check kernel source version in `/usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h'
2. check the currently running kernel version

#uname -r

3. Both two version must match.
4. If not match, please reconfigure kernel.

pdc-ultra.o: unresolved symbol scsi_unregister_module
pdc-ultra.o: unresolved symbol scsi_register
pdc-ultra.o: unresolved symbol scsi_register_module
pdc-ultra.o: unresolved symbol scsi_unregister
That means scsi module have not load.
1. Load scsi module first
#insmod scsi_mod
#insmod sd_mod
2. Load scsi module first
#mkinitrd --preload scsi_mod --preload sd_mod

7.4 pdc-ultra.o: create_module: Operation not permitted
That means you must have root privilege to load driver.

pdc-ultra.o: init_module: Operation not permitted
Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including
invalid IO or IRQ parameters.
That means SATA driver can't find any supporting adapter.
1. check your adapter is in SATA driver supporting list.
2. verify adapter is correctly installed in PCI slot.
3. BIOS load correctly and detect all hard drives.
4. linux have detected your adapter
#lspci -n | grep 105a

for example, it shows like this, where 105a is vendor id, 3375 is device

01:03.0 Class 0180: 105a:3375 (rev 01)

here is a short list of vendor id and device id.
Chipset Adapter Name Vendor:Device
------- ------------ -------------
PDC20318 Promise SATA150 TX4 105a:3318
PDC20375 Promise SATA150 TX2plus 105a:3375
PDC20378 Promise SATA 378 105a:3373
PDC20618 Promise Ultra 618 105a:6626

5. recompile driver and load correct driver
#make -C cam clean all
#make clean all
#insmod pdc-ultra.o

7.6 insmod: a module named pdc-ultra already exists
That means SATA driver have been loaded. Ther is no need to load it again.
SATA driver status can be found by using following command
#cat /proc/scsi/pdc-ultra/*


This code is provided as-is and Promise Technology does not provide
technical support for the code. This Linux source code should only be
used by experienced Linux users.

If you have any Linux Source Code comments, please email: and

Slovak 01-21-2005 04:29 AM


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