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Old 04-21-2014, 07:06 AM   #1
Registered: Apr 2014
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What are config differences between WPA & WPA2

I have developed a script for connecting to APs for ad-hoc, WEP, WPA, and WPA2. I have no WPA APs in my area and my reading of how to configure for WPA is a bit shakey.
Is the difference between WPA and WPA2 with Slackwaree that there is the rc.inet2.conf file that needs modifying or is that only if I do not use rc.wireless?
Can anyone clearly state the differences in configuration between WPA & WPA2 or provide a reference other than Alien's? I am looking for bare bones. For example I don't thing specifying frequency is necessary for WPA.
Old 04-21-2014, 07:22 AM   #2
Alien Bob
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The rc.inet2 file has nothing to do with wireless, and there is only a rc.inet1.conf.
For WPA/WPA2 configuration it is not needed to change anything in rc.inet1.conf or rc.wireless. All configuration takes place in /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf.

The one difference between WPA and WPA2 is in the "proto" parameter which determines which protocols the wpa_supplicant is allowed to use:
WPA = WPA/IEEE 802.11i/D3.0
RSN = WPA2/IEEE 802.11i
If not set, the "proto" parameter defaults to: "WPA RSN". Also "WPA2" can be used as an alias for "RSN".

The "pairwise" and "group" parameters mention the allowed cipher(s) to be used for your WPA/WPA2 connection. When you set pairwise and group ciphers to "CCMP TKIP" you'll be OK. This is also the default value if you don't set it.

Summarizing it: when you don't set any explicit values for the above (and for the "key_mgmt" parameter), the defaults will be OK for both WPA and WPA2.

Old 04-21-2014, 10:00 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Alien Bob View Post
The "pairwise" and "group" parameters mention the allowed cipher(s) to be used for your WPA/WPA2 connection. When you set pairwise and group ciphers to "CCMP TKIP" you'll be OK.
The TKIP (RC4) cipher has been broken and got removed from the Wi-Fi standard since 2014. It shouldn't be used anymore.
Old 04-21-2014, 10:36 PM   #4
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TKIP takes about 2-8 hours using Rainbow tables to break into depending on your system. WEP takes about 2 minutes.

AES as of today is still unbroken. It's currently estimated with current technology to take at least 749,822 years to break AES's encryption protocols.
Old 04-22-2014, 05:39 AM   #5
Registered: Apr 2014
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@Alien Bob: the inet2 was a typo sorry I didn't catch it.
Appreciate your satisfying my quandaries on configuration.
Aware of WPA2 alias from UR description which was the most clear I found with the minor exception regarding rc.inet1.conf in lieu of rc.wireless. I'll need to go back and see what got me changing it as I have.

I'll take it then that WPA RSN are the defaults for proto and CCMP and TKIP are defaults for pairwise and group. I had it that TKIP was for WPA and CCMP for WPA2.

This brings up a question of WEP104 and WEP40 in wpa_supplicant.conf. Can these then be left with CCMP and TKIP in that file and are ignored except for when contacting a WEP AP?

I just scanned my script and now recall my interpretation was that rc.inet1.conf had to have the 4 changed (I used 0 with wlan0) and that ESSID was modified based on the target AP and NETMASK was set to Is that now obviated and just change only the [4] or don't change anything at all (Using Slackware 13.37 if it matters)?
Thanks again for UR efforts and assistance.

Last edited by nix84; 04-25-2014 at 03:21 AM.


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