Originally Posted by linuxhippy
Could I set up my pc to record these web casts for offline viewing?
Originally Posted by linuxhippy
If so, how?
I can't give you a step-by-step guide, but I can suggest you look into
VLC. It's a media player and it has the ability to save anything it can play. So, if you can point VLC to the URL of your webcast and the video plays...then VLC can save it to disk.
As an added bonus, VLC can be started at the command line, so when it comes to starting and stopping the recording at specific times, you have two choices:
1) if you have computer access at work, then set your slack box up for remote access via ssh (search these forums if you don't know how) and simply log into your home machine at the proper time, start VLC, and then stop it when the show's over.
or if that's not possible
2) create an AT job to start VLC at the desired date & time. AT is like CRON but it's for non-recurring events. A second AT job should be able to stop VLC when your show is over (again 'man' pages and these forums will help with figuring out at/cron).
One warning I have for you is that some people have trouble setting up VLC on Slack. I only recently got mine figured out and truth be told, I'm not sure what I finally did right. So, I suggest you search these forums for VLC and read up before you get going.