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Old 04-12-2006, 12:33 PM   #1
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Video capture and kino

Hi Everybody,

I am trying to resolve video capture in Kino and I have found numerous posts in this forum covering this issue, but none that I can find that cover this problem.

The problem seems to be with raw1394. The output of dmesg | grep ieee 1394 is as follows:

bash-3.00$ dmesg | grep ieee1394
ieee1394: Node added: ID:BUS[0-00:1023] GUID[080046010443468c]
ieee1394: Node changed: 0-00:1023 -> 0-01:1023

The output of lsmod 1394 is as follows:

dv1394 16016 0 (unused)
raw1394 17496 0 (unused)
ohci1394 23888 0 [dv1394]
ieee1394 41636 0 [dv1394 raw1394 ohci1394

As you can see, the kernel modules are loaded, but there is no entry for raw1394 in the /dev/ file. I tried:

bash-3.00# makedev /dev/raw1394
bash: makedev: command not found

I have dvgrab installed but get this when entered:

bash-3.00# dvgrab
dvgrab: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

As a result, Kino complains that the /dev/raw1394 is not responding.

Anyone with any thoughts? libraw1394 is installed, by the way.

Any help appreciated.

Old 04-12-2006, 12:46 PM   #2
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Sorry, forgot to add that the missing libraries were installed. Now when dvgrab is entered, I get:

bash-3.00$ dvgrab
raw1394 - failed to get handle: No such file or directory.
Deleting quicktime codec

No /dev/raw1394.


Old 04-13-2006, 05:07 AM   #3
Registered: Apr 2005
Location: Havant, Hampshire, UK
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Heh, I was just typing a response including the fact that I'd never used firewire ... and then google dug this up for me:

As I was half into explaining, your problem could be with a) kernel drivers, b) udev or c) ~somewhere else~.

According to that thread, the problem is with udev not making the device nodes. Further down, they post this solution to making device nodes & permissions permanent:

You were definitly on the right track when you tried makedev, but wrong command!

#! /bin/sh

test -e /dev/raw1394 || mknod -m 666 /dev/raw1394 c 171 0
This will have to be adjusted to fit into Slack, but in principle if you get that script to run after you've loaded the raw1394 and video1394 modules everything says it should work =)

Good luck - let us know how it goes,
- Piete.

PS: Give me a bell on icq (2505906) or amsn ( if you'd like to discuss this, or anything else!
Old 04-13-2006, 01:44 PM   #4
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Thank you very much for this solution. I tried the script you provided and it worked immediately. My question now is: is this permenant or do I have to install this script to my initd file so that it installs this node at each boot?

I am going to study this little script to understand exactly what it does (particularly the test -e.) I tried makedev because this is a command I am used to in Fedora Core because I have used it. Apparently, Slack does not have this command.

Again, thank you for your help.

Old 04-13-2006, 06:16 PM   #5
Registered: Apr 2005
Location: Havant, Hampshire, UK
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No worries Bob - easy when you know what to look for

I'll save you some trouble on the test -e thing ... from `man test` you'll find the following:

       -e FILE
              FILE exists
And from one of my favourite sources, the Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide ( ) you'll find that || is infact ...the logical OR.


if /dev/raw1394 is true OR if `mknod -m 666 /dev/raw1394 c 171 0` executes correctly then
This script has executed successfully.

Honestly, I'm not sure why they do that, I'd want something more "if doesn't exist / then make node / fi" .. but, hey, it works =)

Basically you now need to call this script (or more accurately,that line) every time you want to use the device node. I suspect there are a few clever ways to force it into the udev startup, however, I personally would add it to /etc/rc.d/rc.local (which is executed well after udev has finished messing around with /dev/). If you'd rather keep the script, then you can set up the start procedure in rc.local by doing something like:

if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.raw1394 ]; then
Then you can turn on/off the executable flag, just like every other /etc/rc.d/ script =)

Take care,
- Piete.
Old 04-13-2006, 06:38 PM   #6
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Thanks, piete...this post was worth a month worth of learning. It all makes sense now. Video capturing is available to me now. I am studying scripting now (still early stages), but this goes a long way toward understanding startup scripts better. I do use "Linux in a Nutshell" book for studying commands I read in this forum to understand how they work and what they do, but it is a little dim sometimes and one on one explanations are a lot clearer.

Thanks again,


BTW, great town, Canterbury, one of the first towns I visited here. I live in Southampton.
Old 04-24-2006, 11:18 PM   #7
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This is a bit late, but answering the question:

Originally Posted by piete
if /dev/raw1394 is true OR if `mknod -m 666 /dev/raw1394 c 171 0` executes correctly then
This script has executed successfully.

Honestly, I'm not sure why they do that, I'd want something more "if doesn't exist / then make node / fi" .. but, hey, it works =)
The OR and AND operators make use of something called short circuiting. It goes like this: What is 1 OR x? 1. It doesn't matter what x is, so x never gets evaluated. The only time x gets evaluated is when the first half evaluates to false.


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