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Old 09-20-2013, 01:40 PM   #1
Registered: Aug 2013
Distribution: Arch, Debian, Slackware
Posts: 333

Rep: Reputation: 3
using mkinitrd for new kernel, but /lib/modules/[kernel] doesn't exist any more

I say anymore because I ran this:
mkinitrd -c -k 3.2.45 -m ext3 -f ext3 -r /dev/sda1
and it completed fine, made my initrd tree and the initrd.gz, but I realized that I called the wrong module because my fs is ext4, not ext3. So I just thought "well, I'll run it again," but now it's kicking back this error:
ERROR: No /lib/modules/3.2.45 kernel modules tree found for kernel "3.2.45"
And this is reflected in the /lib/modules directory as there is no longer a 3.2.45 directory there.

I'm not sure how to 'reload' that directory or what I have to do to fix this, any I would appreciate any and all help, thanks!
Old 09-20-2013, 01:54 PM   #2
Didier Spaier
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I answered you here.

I suggest you don't open new threads if not needed, your questions won't get more exposure and that makes harder for people trying to help you to know your context - that they need to make relevant suggestions.

Last edited by Didier Spaier; 09-20-2013 at 02:07 PM. Reason: typo
Old 09-20-2013, 04:08 PM   #3
Registered: Aug 2013
Distribution: Arch, Debian, Slackware
Posts: 333

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Rep: Reputation: 3
Originally Posted by Didier Spaier View Post
I answered you here.

I suggest you don't open new threads if not needed, your questions won't get more exposure and that makes harder for people trying to help you to know your context - that they need to make relevant suggestions.
Right, yes, sorry. I had typed this up and meant to just leave it open without submitting it yet with the intention of submitting it if no one get back to the other thread after a few hours.


ext4, initrd, kernel 3, modules, slackware 14

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