Final update on my wireless - WOO HOO !:
Becuase of my issue with the pcmcia card needing to be reset when I resume from standby led me to go into 2.4 kernel, load madwifi and see if that happened. On occasion it did or did not. Which led me to believe it's probably my old, and "goofy bios" or something like that.
Well I found buried on the internet a guy who has a laptop like mine. You know in the kernel compile there is an option "force old hard drives to use dma , old lost linux code" well he said to use that for better throuput on the hard drive of this pc.
So it's linux time to test and play with stuff, so I did it. Boot up, get errors that hdparm is not valid (say to myself ok hdparm is new technology take out the custom hdparm setting in rc.local) ...and then used the computer.
Later that day I put it to standby later to comeback and use the pc. And saw the card was already online! I didnt have to double click my scripts. Scratched my head and said huh? Am I crazy or is this thing working on it's own. So I put it to standy then resumed. Same thing I didnt neeed to do my scripts again.
So I guess, my hard drive wasnt working optimally, or maybe had some for of IRQ or dma issue with the new IDE code in linux, and only showed it's ugly head when I did wireless. Maybe it's just dumb luck.
Now even furthermore, I can use ndiswrapper or madwifi stable and never ever crash. I reloaded the pc to with ndis and then again madwifi. But I'm using madwifi as I want to support people writing drivers for Linux! and WILL be donating $$ to them really soon.
So that little "Y" for that line in the kernel compile actually means something to someone hahahah.
Now Final Thoughts where I cast my vote about wireless scripts in slackware:
I hope in the upcoming versions of slackware that the scripts/routine will be re-worked.
In my opinion, I believe that they should modify the rc.pcmcia scripts such that they do NOT try and initiate wireless internet connectivity at all.
The pcmcia I believe should only relate to card bus modems, or flash cards or zip drives. That's it. Because these items are normally 16 bit technology, whereas wireless cards and more modern wired network cards are 32 bit and all vendors, Madwifi, etc are writing their scripts to work with hotplug not rc.pcmia.
Hotplug should be left to take care of 32 bit devices that are not taken care of in the pcmcia schema, and the hotplug should be responsbile for the wireless.
In my mind, ideally the pc should boot like this:
Start rc.pcmcia service, then if it sees that a known installed wireless card is inserted, it then skips the rest of it's process, and says ok load hotplug now because I know hotplug is used to initiate the /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 ath0 start made by Alien Bob's for hotplug/wireless schema.
It is my humble noob opinion that as of right now the rc.pcmcia see's the wireless card, and it tries to do wireless. But in a half assed fashion, only to be fighting the hotplug wireless schema.
Linux is going away from 16 bit card bus (pcmcia) in lieu of hotplug. The drivers for old rc.pcmcia are going to be re-written to work with hotplug and not pcmica at all. That said I hope slackware just moves toward that now. The madwifi works awesome! with hot plug (so long as you have pcmcia turned off in pkgtool).
I would also like to see just one file that I as a user have to input my settings into for my wireless. Right now because these two protocols BOTH look to try and do wireless, we users have to try and get 5 files to work together in unison. That's too much IMO and leads to lost time and energy spent trying to get wireless to work.
Lets get pcmcia out of the wireless routine and let Alien Bob & Madwifi make one file that takes care of everything as it talks to hotplug. Plus Bob will probably be able to get some more sleep and not answering the same questions over and over on forums if this is done.
Just my thoughts...I type to much sorry
bye for now.