OK, here it goes...
First let's start fresh. On both the client and the server, remove cups by using 'pkgtool' and select remove packages. Then download the latest cups package from slackware-current
here. Install the new package with 'installpkg /<location>/cups-1.1.23-i486-2.tgz'. Then cd to '/etc/cups/'. cp the new .conf files over the old ones (cupsd.conf.new, client.conf.new, printers.conf.new)
a) edit the following portion of /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
Order Deny,Allow
Deny From All
Allow From @LOCAL #allows printing from any computer on the lan
b) restart cups with 'sh /etc/rc.d/rc.cups restart'
c) configure printing on the server by opening
http://localhost:631 in a web browser. Use a simple printer name with no special chars or spaces. make sure the device you pick is the correct usb port your printer is attached to. Select the correct make and model of your printer. Make sure your configuration is correct by printing a test page. If you can print a test page on the server, you will be able to print from the client.
What if it doesn't print?
You probably don't have printer driver set up correctly. A lot of printers come working with cups out of the box and don't need any extra drivers. I however have a samsung and had to install extra drivers and PPD files. For more info on why you page isnt printing, 'cat /var/log/cups/error_log' Let me know if this is the case and I will try to direct you on how to setup your printer correctly.
a) edit the following portion of the /etc/cups/client.conf
ServerName <server ip>
b) restart cups
c) configure printing on the cleint with
http://localhost:631 in a web browser. enter the same printer name as you did on the server. Select 'Internet Printing Protocal (IPP)' as the device. Under device URI set it to 'ipp://<server ip>/printers/<printer name>'. Select the correct make and model for your printer. You should now be able to print a test page provided you can print one on the server.
Hope this was of some help, let me know how it turns out.