If you've got Slack 9.1 on there, then the current openssh version will be installed via pkgtool.
ls /var/log/packages/* | grep openssh
Should confirm that you have a package of openssh installed (it'll return nothing if you don't have it!). /var/log/packages/ stores text files of what each package contains, so having a read of what's in the package via:
less /var/log/packages/openssh*
Should show you you have a bunch o' stuff.
Since this is a package, it can be reinstalled at any time. To test drive the new openssh, installing it somewhere else on the system is probably a good idea (especially if this is a production box that *needs* this program quite a lot). Otherwise, you can attempt to upgrade to the newer package (as listed above) with:
su -c "upgradepkg /path/to/package/openssh*"
If that doesn't work, you may have to removepkg your existing openssh and installpkg your new one. There is no guarentee that this new slack package will run under 9.1 (since it was probably compiled for > 10), but it might, and there can be no harm in trying (see aforementioned note on production boxxen).
Failing all of that, you will have to install it from source.
Get the source, cd into the directory and run: ./configure
If that works, you can run: make
If that works, you can run: make install
This will install straight into your system.
!!Be warned!!
Running make install will dump the files into your system and they will NOT be registered anywhere. To get rid of them, you will have to work out which files are put where. I advocate using checkinstall while makes a package and installs it. So instead of ./configure, make, make install you will run (after installing checkinstall, of course):
Which will make a package as it is installed, registering your package in /var/log/packages/. So if you wanna get rid of the stuff you've just entered, you can removepkg it from there.
This works for anything from source. You may wish to upgrade from 9.1 to a newer version, but that's a different question =D
Hope that wasn't too patronising - good luck with the upgrade!
- Piete.