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Old 10-16-2013, 01:20 PM   #16
Registered: Sep 2006
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Distribution: Slackware 14.1 Slackware64-current multilib
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Beware, if you follow UPGRADE.TXT, which upgrade kernel at last steps, you might encounter problem with new kernel and your system can't reboot with all new libraries with mismatching old kernel, and your old Slackware CD/DVD might not help your recover from old kernel panic problem.

install new kernel and test out new kernel before proceeding next steps, if you encounter problem, you can still roll back to older kernel.
Old 10-16-2013, 07:08 PM   #17
Registered: Sep 2008
Location: RJ-Brazil
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I posted this once before, but nobody seemed interested.
I have read your post in slackpkg plus topic recently and I am curious... Is it possible to use your script to identify a difference between a Slackware current using kde 4.11.2 and slackware current using kde 4.10.5 if I have a local copy of it?
Old 10-17-2013, 06:49 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by vivanguarda View Post
I have read your post in slackpkg plus topic recently and I am curious... Is it possible to use your script to identify a difference between a Slackware current using kde 4.11.2 and slackware current using kde 4.10.5 if I have a local copy of it?
It lists differences between an installed system and any packages available from the directories you tell it about, so yes you should be able to do something like this, but I'm not entirely sure what you're asking. Are you talking about being able to run slackware-current with kde 4.11 added, or are you talking about comparing two installed systems to identify differences?.. in which case you'd probably be better off just comparing an ls of /var/log/packages.

If you wanted to track slackware64-current but use Eric's kde build on top of it then you'd use a ~/.slacklistrc (or PKGPATH) something like this (assuming you have complete mirrors of both):
Note: that this won't deal with the 4 packages that have been removed in eric's kde4.11 because slacklist will still find them in the slackware64-current mirror. You'll need to handle that manually, but an alternative might be to use
... but because eric's kde doesn't contain everything from the kde set in current you'll end up with some missing bits.
If you decide to install these packages on top of a fresh installation of
Slackware-current and have excluded all packages in the 'KDE' package series
during installation, you will be missing several add-on packages, some of
these are essential to the proper functioning of KDE!
If you excluded the complete Slackware-current 'KDE' series, then you will
have to install the following essential packages at a a minimum:
* polkit-kde-agent-1
* polkit-kde-kcmodules-1
And optionally install these as well:
* amarok
* k3b
* kaudiocreator
* kdevelop-pg-qt
* kplayer
* wicd-kde
If eric's kde repos contained a complete replacement for the slackware kde packages then the above would work nicely, but he doesn't and I can't see a good way to workaround this; I suppose one could add those missing bits to another directory and add that to the slacklistrc, but its all getting a bit messy now and just handling the 4 package removals using a grep -v might be an easier way to go about it.

If at a later stage Pat added kde-4.11 to current, or you wished to revert to whatever version is in the current tree you just change the ~/.slacklistrc back to
Keeping the system updated is then simply a case of running your rsyncs to update your package files and then rerunning slacklist to generate new lists of packages for install/removal. Of course, you still have to deal with .new files and any other manual interventions required.

I originally wrote this script when I was using slackware-current with the xorg from /testing, so this sort of thing is pretty much what it was written for.

Hope that answers your question.

Last edited by GazL; 10-17-2013 at 07:26 AM. Reason: added note about missing packages from kde.
Old 10-17-2013, 08:14 AM   #19
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@vivanguarda: If you are considering other tools for keeping Slackware up to date you may also want to look at slackroll. I must admit I have not used it myself but it gives another alternative approach to managing updates from multiple sources (not just the official Slackware packages), so could be worth considering.
Old 10-17-2013, 02:22 PM   #20
Registered: Sep 2008
Location: RJ-Brazil
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Posts: 181

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Thatīs all Gazl!!

In fact, Iīm running a Bobīs kde 4.11-2 package. However, my sytem uses also a gnome app and it isnīt ok in this new kde. Then I glimpse a possibility to check it using you script.

ruario, thanks again!
Interesting clue.


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