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Old 11-27-2013, 10:01 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2013
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Unstable Network during Reboot in Slackware 12.0

I have written one application using Xlib which is getting the streamed video from a server and displays on the screen whenever Slackware reboots and my app starts.

There I am seeing one strange issue that whenever the systems reboots, it get the video stream and then network gets disconnected and there is no video for 20-30 secs and then again the network gets connected and video starts.

This thing don't happen when i start the app manually but only comes when i make the app runs automatically by putting it in rc.local file.

I see that slackware is taking some time to stabilize the network but i don't see any message of disconn etc in dmsg or logs.

It seems pretty strange that it takes so much to stabilize itself. Even network debouching is not helping.

I have checked the same thing with the SSH client with or without running my application and it also get disconn after reboot and after that it reconnects.

Anyway we can fix this issue or its a known issue with Slackware 12.0?
Old 12-03-2013, 02:07 PM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2013
Posts: 4

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Rep: Reputation: Disabled
i blv that it was something with the 12.0 only as when i hv moved to 13.0 i dont see any issue in there.


network connectivity, slackware 12.2

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