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Old 12-19-2013, 10:56 PM   #1
Registered: Oct 2007
Distribution: FreeBSD, Slackware
Posts: 48

Rep: Reputation: 9
unlocking encrypted root with keyfile on sdcard/mmc possible?


I have Slackware 14.1 installed on my netbook with full disk encryption following README_CRYPT and README_LVM. I have also setup a USB stick for automatic decryption at boot. However, I would like to know if it is possible to use sdcard/mmc card inplace of USB sticks.

I have tried using sdcard but failed. If I use SD card instead of USB stick, automatic decryption is not happening, instead I'm presented with option to provide passphrase. If I use USB stick, unlocking works just fine.

Apart from all the standard module support required (as generated by the mkinitrd script), I also tried adding mmc_core module. Doesn't help. Is that module name wrong or unlocking from sd/mmc cards not supported? The card is also FAT32 formatted.

Please note, when I say I have installed/setup/tried, I have followed proper procedure of setting up keyfile using cryptsetup luksAddKey, creating initrd (using mkinitrd script), editing lilo.conf and finally running lilo after all these edits. If my mkinitrd line and contents of lilo.conf are required I will post later (am not on that netbook right now).

P.S.: Just in case if somebody cares to know ;-) why I want to put keyfile on sdcard. I prefer using passphrase. But when I have to give the netbook to other family members, I don't want to scare them with encryption thingy or having to giveout my most powerful and secretive passphrase ;-) I would like auto unlock using keyfile for such needs. USBs are clunky, protruding outward looking ugly whereas sdcard fits aflush. I have a 2G microsd card as spare too.

Last edited by saivinoba; 12-19-2013 at 11:02 PM. Reason: typo...added information about usgin FAT32 card.
Old 12-20-2013, 06:45 PM   #2
Registered: Jan 2013
Distribution: Arch
Posts: 50

Rep: Reputation: 13
I would guess that you dont have all the modules loaded in order to read the sdcard. Try booting it up all the way, see if you can read the sdcard and take a close look at the output of lsmod. modules with mmc and sdhc would be the ones to pay attention to.


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