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Old 02-24-2014, 12:01 AM   #1
Registered: Aug 2013
Distribution: Slackware 14.1
Posts: 128

Rep: Reputation: Disabled
Unable to build GO language from SlackBuilds

I'm trying to build the SlackBuilds package for googles 'go' language. Apparently it compiles the source okay, but quits after running the tests and never produces the package. I've tried to figure out the problem with no luck. Using Slack 14.1 32 bit.
Old 02-24-2014, 03:51 AM   #2
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It works here. Sorry

At the critical moment, mine prints this, what does yours print?
# ../test/bench/go1
ok  	_/tmp/SBo/package-google-go-lang/usr/lib/go/test/bench/go1	5.693s

# ../test

real	2m20.518s
user	3m56.910s
sys	0m35.483s

# Checking API compatibility.
Go version is "go1.2", ignoring -next /tmp/SBo/package-google-go-lang/usr/lib/go/api/next.txt

real	0m18.399s
user	0m13.210s
sys	0m1.102s


Installed Go for linux/386 in /tmp/SBo/package-google-go-lang/usr/lib/go
Installed commands in /tmp/SBo/package-google-go-lang/usr/bin

The binaries expect /tmp/SBo/package-google-go-lang/usr/lib/go to be copied or moved to /usr/lib/go

Slackware package maker, version 3.14159.
Do you get "ALL TESTS PASSED"? I guess that one (or more) of the tests is failing on your system.

In my personal experience, there are two reasons for a failing test in a SlackBuild. (1) the original developers wrote a test that doesn't work properly, usually for something like locking in a multiprocessor scenario, because there are race conditions in the test that the developers never found, because developers always have much better hardware than I have, or only test their own tests in a VM, or gave the job of writing tests to the most junior developer. (2) one of my memory sticks is starting to go bad.

It gets worse when the SlackBuild (quite reasonably) assumes that the build and tests won't just return an error status without printing an obvious error message. But you really should look closely at the output of the tests. Everything should say "ok" or "?" or "PASS", like this:

ok  	unicode/utf16	0.004s
ok  	unicode/utf8	0.008s
?   	unsafe	[no test files]

real	2m27.288s
user	4m8.284s
sys	0m29.468s

# GOMAXPROCS=2 runtime -cpu=1,2,4
ok  	runtime	34.918s

# sync -cpu=10
ok  	sync	0.061s

# ../misc/cgo/stdio

# ../misc/cgo/life

# ../misc/cgo/test
ok  	_/tmp/SBo/package-google-go-lang/usr/lib/go/misc/cgo/test	1.181s
If there's a problem with the tests, and you are *highly* confident that your system is good, you can remove the 'set -e' line from the SlackBuild.

If there's not a problem with the tests, then the other possibility is something wrong is happening with the scripts in go/src (all.bash, run.bash etc). There is a comment from Robby in the SlackBuild that says "unset BASH_ENV # Not sure why, but this causes run.bash to fail --rworkman", so you could try unsetting as many environment variables as possible before you run the SlackBuild, on the theory that those scripts may contain more FAIL of the same kind...

Update: Robby applied the BASH_ENV fix I just described on January 30th. Have you got the latest SlackBuild? If not, you should

Last edited by 55020; 02-24-2014 at 03:58 AM. Reason: Update
1 members found this post helpful.
Old 02-24-2014, 10:05 AM   #3
Registered: Aug 2013
Distribution: Slackware 14.1
Posts: 128

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: Disabled
Originally Posted by 55020 View Post
It works here. Sorry

At the critical moment, mine prints this, what does yours print?
# ../test/bench/go1
ok  	_/tmp/SBo/package-google-go-lang/usr/lib/go/test/bench/go1	5.693s

# ../test

real	2m20.518s
user	3m56.910s
sys	0m35.483s

# Checking API compatibility.
Go version is "go1.2", ignoring -next /tmp/SBo/package-google-go-lang/usr/lib/go/api/next.txt

real	0m18.399s
user	0m13.210s
sys	0m1.102s


Installed Go for linux/386 in /tmp/SBo/package-google-go-lang/usr/lib/go
Installed commands in /tmp/SBo/package-google-go-lang/usr/bin

The binaries expect /tmp/SBo/package-google-go-lang/usr/lib/go to be copied or moved to /usr/lib/go

Slackware package maker, version 3.14159.
Do you get "ALL TESTS PASSED"? I guess that one (or more) of the tests is failing on your system.

In my personal experience, there are two reasons for a failing test in a SlackBuild. (1) the original developers wrote a test that doesn't work properly, usually for something like locking in a multiprocessor scenario, because there are race conditions in the test that the developers never found, because developers always have much better hardware than I have, or only test their own tests in a VM, or gave the job of writing tests to the most junior developer. (2) one of my memory sticks is starting to go bad.

It gets worse when the SlackBuild (quite reasonably) assumes that the build and tests won't just return an error status without printing an obvious error message. But you really should look closely at the output of the tests. Everything should say "ok" or "?" or "PASS", like this:

ok  	unicode/utf16	0.004s
ok  	unicode/utf8	0.008s
?   	unsafe	[no test files]

real	2m27.288s
user	4m8.284s
sys	0m29.468s

# GOMAXPROCS=2 runtime -cpu=1,2,4
ok  	runtime	34.918s

# sync -cpu=10
ok  	sync	0.061s

# ../misc/cgo/stdio

# ../misc/cgo/life

# ../misc/cgo/test
ok  	_/tmp/SBo/package-google-go-lang/usr/lib/go/misc/cgo/test	1.181s
If there's a problem with the tests, and you are *highly* confident that your system is good, you can remove the 'set -e' line from the SlackBuild.

If there's not a problem with the tests, then the other possibility is something wrong is happening with the scripts in go/src (all.bash, run.bash etc). There is a comment from Robby in the SlackBuild that says "unset BASH_ENV # Not sure why, but this causes run.bash to fail --rworkman", so you could try unsetting as many environment variables as possible before you run the SlackBuild, on the theory that those scripts may contain more FAIL of the same kind...

Update: Robby applied the BASH_ENV fix I just described on January 30th. Have you got the latest SlackBuild? If not, you should
Thanks for the help. You were correct, a test was failing:
--- FAIL: TestIPv4MulticastListener (0.00 seconds)
	multicast_test.go:53: First ListenMulticastUDP on <nil> failed: listen udp setsockopt: no such device
Seems you must have a working network to build or disable that test. I normally don't have networking enabled so it would fail. Still, I didn't dig deep enough before asking for help. Sorry for the noise. It builds and installs fine now.

Last edited by Spect73; 02-24-2014 at 10:09 AM. Reason: Add success


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