Slackware is very simple to configure since. Configuration is almost always done with an editor although slackware and some things (like X) have command line configuration or very basic dialogue box configuration.
After you have completed your install you will be left with a command line at which you will have to log in as root and edit two files and maybe configure X before you can get into say gnome or kde.
Read the text file HOWTO on the first cd. Its pretty much all you need. If your unfamiliar with anything discussed, google it.
Remember that you can install as many times as you want. Don't think that you're stuck with an install if you've botched it. When starting out you don't have anything to loose so just reinstall over the previous install (re-formating as you go). Four years ago I stared out with SUSE and I became an install king :^)
Assuming you've picked up a little Linux along the way I'll provide only couple things for starters. You may know them already!
During install:
-Read everything put in front of you and think before click/keystroke.
-Make a boot disk (make two).
-If you're not setting up a network when prompted to set up the network choose "loopback".
-Enable gdm for your mouse. It comes in handy (see below).
-You can use a winmodem with slack but not right off the line so do not set up for a modem during the install
-If your winmodem has a Lucent chipset you can download the current ltmodem package and compile your own modules/drivers for your modem. It's dead easy these days.
After installation all you will have is a commandline prompt. So to get into a gui you will need to run the command "startx". You will then get gnome because its first in line in a file called /etc/rc.d/rc.4 (I'll explain more below).
Remember you are starting out as root so you have the permissions to do anything you want whether you wanted to or not. Be carefull! You can create a normal user with the command "adduser". You can move back and forth when you have to by typing "su" to become root and "su [username]" to switch back to being a normal user.
If your x session (windows) doesn't work or look good, the default config obviously doesn't suit your box. Go get the horizontal and vertical syncs for your monitor and the details of your graphics card then run the command line config tool "xf86config" If you botch it you can do it again. It writes a new /etc/X11/XF86Config file each time.
You can do anything on the command line with the commandline tools provided in slack but you may find it easiest to start out with the commandline file manager Midnight Commander. You can bring it up with the command "mc" and it shouldn't take you long to fugure out how to run it with tabs, arrows, funtion keys and enter. Its companion editor is "mcedit". These are both about as gui as you will get at the command line because with gdm enabled you will also have some mouse functionality.
If you want to boot right into a gui you will have to edit two files from the commandline. You can use the command "mcedit /path/filename" to open up a file for editing or you can navigate to the file in mc then press F4 to open it in mcedit, F2 to save it after editing, then F10 to close it.
mcedit /etc/inittab
You need to edit the file /etc/inittab so that line 24 reads like this:
so that will now boot into a gui session manager.
You will also need to edit rc.4 if you do not want to boot into a Gnome session manager. You will need to use the full path with mcedit.
mcedit /etc/rc.d/rc.4
I prefer KDE and gdm is the first session manager listed in /etc/rc.ds. So I comment out the lines relating to gdm in the rc.4 script. kdm is next so it will be called when the script is run.
To "comment out" means to place an " # " at the beginning of the line so what follows is changed from an action to a notation (my words only). So in rc.4 I commented lines
16-18 as follows:
#if [ -x /usr/bin/gdm ]; then
# exec /usr/bin/gdm -nodaemon
You will find that the balance of you configuration will consist of either commenting or uncommenting lines in scripts (begin with #!/bin/bash) or configuration file files. Distros like mdk have gui's that do this for you but you won't learn anything about how the system works using them.
You will find that most config scripts have lots of commented lines explaining what to do and that lots of the things that you want to be started (like sound card modules (drivers in windows) can be started by uncommenting the line that would load them.
If you want a service like CUPS (for printing) and you didn't nominate it during the install you can configure slack to start it by making the script /etc/rc.d/rc.cups executable so that it runs at boot.
This is what makes slackware clean and quick. It doesn't install/boot with a bunch of unecessary (for you) stuff loaded or running so that it will work on 95% of the PC's in the world. Slack installs/boots with the bare minimum and it's your choice from the start what you run what you load. KDE is pure KDE, CUPS is pure CUPS, etc. There is no software that has been modified any more than was necessary to make sure that it will run in slackware if configured correctly (by you, not by Bill, Steve, or anyone else)
That's all. This is getting verbose and you have enough to get started. May I suggest the Slackware FAQ and Slackware Tips & Tricks by Jack S. Lai to give you an idea and some guidance as to some of the other post install configuration things you may want to do. I don't have theurls handy so google them.
Als I used to have some post install tips listed under "Other HowTo's" at but I'm not sure if they're still there and they were written for slack-8.1. Although things haven't changes that much.