Trouble dialing PPP using SLAX popcorn edition
I'm having some trouble dialing my ISP using SLAX popcorn edition. I configured the connection with 'pppsetup' and used 'ppp-on' to dial. It dialed ok and appeard to connect, but when I run firefox it just stuck on "Finding Site ..." Bear in mind i'm a linux newb, alot of the configuration process puzzled me (ie CHAP or PAP?? -- I used CHAP)...
Here is the output from 'ppp-on':
Serial Connection Established
Using interface ppp()
Connect: ppp() <--> /dev/ttyS3
No CHAP secret found for ....
CHAP authentication succeeded
CHAP authentication succeeded
local IP addres ....
remote IP address ....
So can someome tell me what might be going wrong?
I'm using a ISA hardware controlled modem btw.