toshiba qosimo f10 nvidia "header" problem
I hate links and lynx, just typed a fairly long post and lost it twice, from something silly like pressing down instead of enter.
Anyway, tried test26.s on this machine and it had a lot of problems. So reinstalled with xfs.s (2.4) and been following shilo is a geek page after install. The install is the easy part.
So I used touch /var/log/slocate/slocate.db and updatedb& so then I tried stating x to see if it worked and it di with the vesa driver. My mouse did work well though actually only the scroll. But I have read how to fix and that might just be a new thread.
So I thought OK dl the nvidia driver. So did and cd to the directory. Then sh nvidia_driver_that_is_supposed_to_work_well_incomparision_to_
So it said something about wrong kernel header or something like that and asked if I would like to download so naturally I said yes. That failed to so I think it said it was going to try to compile from my module. So it did it's thing and finished. Now startx freezes the whole box and not just ctrl alt f2 kill kind of freeze.
I have compiled a successful kernel before by enabling the kernel with minimal module support making a fatter slower kernel by follwing the gentoo handbook. but I understand little about the modules. I know that they make for not having to recompile the kernel all the time. And that you can access them via modprobe and that a directory in /etc/ loads them at boot, but that is all. I believe this why I had problems with the 2.6 install. Although, I did install alsa and kermodules with pkgtool.
I tried this box with slow suse and it sucked immensely. I would really like to use slack.