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stf92 03-09-2013 01:18 PM

That is why I asked. Did not want to double them. Personally I prefer personal control over automation.

w1k0 03-09-2013 02:15 PM

I liked the manual control when it took a few hours to configure a newly installed system. When my system configuration became so sophisticated that it started to take more than one day to restore that configuration in a newly installed system I started to develop my set of the installation and configuration scripts.

Since that day I don’t touch any configuration file manually when I need to change something in the system. Instead I add the procedure to the appropriate configuration script and I run it once again.

As a result when the new system version appears I install it and than I run nine scripts which configure it. The whole procedure takes a few minutes (including two reboots).

stf92 03-09-2013 02:22 PM

I'm developing a homebrew computer around a microprocessor from the late seventies. I assure you I have total control. I mean, I like little systems because one can know them through, but there is enough complexity not to get bored.

w1k0 03-09-2013 02:38 PM

You talk about learning a new things. I talk about repeating the same actions again and again. The first is good (or interesting) – the latter is bad (or boring). I assume we both like to learn some new things and we both dislike to do exactly the same things in a continuous loop.

stf92 03-09-2013 02:48 PM

That's the good thing about programming. Anytime a thing gets boring because of repetition or great mental focus, you can make it automatic. Of course this time the automation comes from you. Many people say, "but I have to do it now, it's faster if I do it manually". Most likely it'll have to be done again, and again.

w1k0 03-09-2013 03:46 PM

I knew that we have a lot of more or less modern versions of Shakespeare’s works in Polish language but I didn’t know that English-language people have some modern version as well:

Original text:

There is a tide in the affairs of men,
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat,
And we must take the current when it serves
Or lose our ventures.
Modern text:

There’s a tidal movement in men’s affairs. Seizing the highest tide leads on to fortune. If high tide is let to pass, all the rest of the voyage of their lives will be marked by difficulty and misery. It’s on such a high tide that we’re now floating, and we must take the current when it is offered, or lose our campaign.

eloi 03-10-2013 07:48 AM

Just for fun:

I left Argentina in 2001. I remember that government decided
each year if using daylight time or not, if one or two hours.
If someone want to know what "improvisation" is go to Argentina
:). Here is well explained:

This resume in english is useful:

In a desktop I would change the time manually. I would use UTC
on the whole machine on a server. Perhaps someone esle has a
better idea.

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