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lethal 10-08-2004 12:22 PM

"4) run xf86config. This is where you set up your X server. This can be frustrating. Read a lot. I like to make sure X is working here before I go any further. If you are new to Linux, it sure is helpful to have X up and running right off the bat. One tip, if you have a scroll wheel mouse and it isn't scrolling properly, edit your xf86config file to read something like this:"

there is no xf86config file in mine, either the configure program.

the files that ppl may have to change if its slack 10.0 is "xorg.conf" "xorg.conf-fbdev" or "xorg.conf-vesa" i got my mouse scroller working editing xorg.conf in the litter readme it says sclack not using anymore xf86config file.

Slackabuser 10-08-2004 04:17 PM

Problem Fixed
Alright so I took the easy way out and reloaded since it was practically a clean install to begin with. So now I am able to run Windows 2000 along with my Slackware web server. =) It was so much easier to get a web server up and running with Slackware than Windows...maybe it's just me but I like it a lot more at the moment this way.

Still hacking away that kernel though. =)

noobtesting 10-10-2004 12:01 PM

have you thought about doing a update to your how I do it to be for Slackware 10?

I mean for the most part it is all the same but there are some small things that are different


blood_omen 10-11-2004 06:42 PM


I have been reading through many of the post, and some of them said that the PDF version is not up2date, if you have updated anything in your site or if you feel that the PDF version needs to be updated I'll be more than happy to do it, just let me know.

shilo 10-12-2004 03:57 PM


It's always been on my list. Just been particularly busy. I actually almost had a complete overhaul done on my main system (not the system that I serve my website form). Unfortunately, I have a bad habit of not backing stuff up. I had a small problem with a typo in my rysnc script that I use to keep my slackware-current packages updated locally. That small typo wiped out my entire /var partition, which is where I was storing my new website. :(


I haven't been making too many updates, so I don't know how out of date the PDF version is. If you would like to make a new one, though, I would be glad to replace the current one. Thanks for your help.

The website is probably gonna go down for a bit (maybe a week?) in about two weeks. I'll be moving, so my cable connection will have to get moved over. Hopefully I will be down less than a day, but I will keep everyone updated.

When the site comes back up, I may be interested in doing a big overhaul to make things more complete, update for new packages, etc. The overhaul would be very large. If anyone is interested in helping out, email me through this forum. Some ideas I have are:

1) use one of the slick templates available at
2) Code the enire site in xhtml (transitional) and have 100% validation through the w3c validator. This will mean using CSS for all page layout.
3) Add screenshots.
4) Add a scripts section outlining scripts that I find useful. This would inlude scripts that I use with cron.
5) A tips section, with stuff like how to mount iso images, how to use udev and hotplug properly, etc.
6) Add screenshots.
7) Update everything for Slackware 10/-current. Probably 10, since we don't know when the next release will be, but I should note which stuff is changing in -current so that it will be easier to update in the future.
8) Add more info on better partitioning.
9) Add more info on security.
10) Consider re-arranging order of the steps. For instance, if you try to start today and follow my guide, when you install dropline it will not work properly. This is because you would still be running a 2.4 kernel. I need to think about this. One solution is to move kernel compiling up in the list. The pro is that you have upgraded your kernel sooner. The con is that you really can't go on until you've gotten kernel compiling down. Also, I like to compile my kernel from inside X. If I wait to upgrade to Dropline (the other solution), I am unable to use Dropline until later in the process. I need to figure out the best solution to this from a fresh install perspective.
11) Section on using NTP to keep time accurate
12) detailed description of how I keep my IP address synced with using ddclient
13) Setting up burners & multiple optical devices.

I've got lots of other ideas. Maybe after I finish my move, I'll set up a small forum or mailing list on my site to flesh out these ideas a little better. One of the big things will be coding. I am a real beginner in website design. I want to make sure that I have the pages coded well, that they are laid out in a sensible manner, and that they cover topics more in-depth while still remaining simple enough for a complete beginner to follow along.

blood_omen 10-13-2004 10:40 AM


I could help you with the CSS and a bit of coding, if it is html code.

So just let me know.

Have a nice day

shilo 10-13-2004 11:57 AM

Sweet. I'll let you know when I start up, blood_omen. Thanks. :)

hrp2171 10-13-2004 02:01 PM

wow, I'm looking forward to your new site, Shilo!

Specially the screenshots! :D

I liked that:

idea 1
idea 2
add screenshots
add screenshots

Oh did I mention, add screenshots. Don't forget: add screenshots! :D ;)

Good job with your site. I'm so busy at work and at home, that my site would never make it to main stream.

tibberous 10-18-2004 08:14 PM

Got my nvidia drivers and sound running because of this guide. Much thanks!

Wondre 10-21-2004 04:51 PM

shilo, tnx for all the great hints!

I and some others had trouble getting alsamixer working ("no mixer elems found"). The fix follows:

add "snd-intel8x0m" to /etc/hotplug/blacklist
alsaconf (follow defaults)
( alsaconf said "configuring snd-intel8x0" (with no "m") at one point. Users may need to substitute another configuration file name. )


Slackabuser 10-21-2004 05:21 PM

Thanks to Shilo and all posters
Thanks to Shilo for creating such a great guide to slackware that was easy to read and follow. It looks like a ton of people have benefitted from all these posts. I just recently got a minor webserver up and running. Home Page is my web home and there is a link to Shilo's page. I hope you don't mind, so that my friends and others can also benefit from it.

Doolspin 10-24-2004 10:53 AM

shilo, I have a fresh slack10 install and I' m trying to get 2.6.9 to work. Did all the steps you said about the link and such, but when I try "make gconfig" bash returns "No rule to make target `gcongif`. Stop." Any idea what is wrong?

edit: Ignore the sig, I'm not running Dropline yet, thats my other machine

shilo 10-27-2004 12:12 PM

Slackabuser- Your site seems to be down. :(

Doolspin- try "make xconfig". I prefer it these days anyway. Also, make sure that you have "cd"'d into the correct directory.

Doolspin 10-27-2004 05:46 PM

Thanks shilo, fixed this, but now i got another problem

Slackabuser 10-28-2004 04:38 PM

My Site
Shilo - Yeah I just recently upgraded to Slack 10 and everything is in the mix at the moment but I hope to have it back up and running in the next couple of days. The FTP is really being a pain.

Site is back up again. =) Home

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