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Old 12-01-2013, 10:42 PM   #31
Registered: Jan 2012
Location: Directly above the center of the earth
Distribution: Slackware. There's something else?
Posts: 383

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Rep: Reputation: 72

Okay, I did the first command you mentioned and read it with 'less'...unfortunately I haven't a clue about what I'm looking at. It turned out to be only 276 lines, but it might as well be written in mandarin Chinese

Anyway, I've decided to go back to 14.0 as one more problem reared its ugly head this evening and that was just one more than I needed (my printer, and all-in-one, prints fantastically, but this evening I needed to scan something and skanlite and xsane both, kept segfaulting on me), so I'm going to go back to what works for me well and maybe try 14.1 a little later if I can afford another hdd to try it on as a separate 'test' hdd on my system.

Thank you very much to everyone who has been trying to help. I honestly and truly do appreciate what you've all done and I'm sorry if I've wasted your time, but I just don't need this aggravation at this period in my life at the moment. You're all good people and I hope this doesn't stop you from helping me ever again if I happen to need it.

Oh, and, just because - I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving (those who celebrate it, heh) and didn't gain too much weight yet, lol. Me, I've already had to let the belt out one notch and we still have half a turkey left and lots of trimmings.
Old 12-02-2013, 12:33 AM   #32
Registered: Mar 2013
Location: Florida, USA
Distribution: Slackware, FreeBSD
Posts: 210

Rep: Reputation: 77
No problem. I was hoping that one big number on the left was going to jump out, like this (from `strace -r sleep 30`):

     0.000194 brk(0)                    = 0x8ee9000
     0.000070 brk(0x8f0a000)            = 0x8f0a000
     0.000086 mmap2(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, 3, 0x2c80) = 0x77753000
     0.000077 close(3)                  = 0
     0.000164 nanosleep({30, 0}, NULL)  = 0
    30.000264 close(1)                  = 0
     0.000084 close(2)                  = 0
     0.000076 exit_group(0)             = ?
The rest of it makes my eyes bleed. strace output is useful mostly when I want a fine-grained look at what a program is doing, but I don't want to fiddle with the source code or break out gdb.


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