-   Slackware (
-   -   So, there is PulseAudio... How about to begin investigating adding LinuxPAM to Slackware too? (

Richard Cranium 01-22-2016 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by ivandi (Post 5485474)
I really hope tomorrow morning after the sobering coffee you'll take a second thought on this.

I've worked with and for Canadians for over 15 years in high tech. My statement was not made lightly.

bassmadrigal 01-22-2016 10:49 PM


Originally Posted by ReaperX7 (Post 5485452)
I too have a type of autism called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

You may want to double check your source on that. ADHD and autism are two different psychological disorders. ADHD is not a type of autism (although, they can share similar symptoms).


Originally Posted by ivandi (Post 5485460)
BTW. Why do you think yourself entitled to judge whose opinion is meaningful.

I never said your opinion wasn't meaningful, however, many of your posts are not. I'll be the first to admit that you've done some great work with incorporating PAM into Slackware, and I think it's awesome you're willing to share your work with the community. Those posts are always good to read and I learn some great stuff. I have no need for PAM, but if I did, your project would provide a great start. However, your great posts are countered with ludicrous statements like:


I thought it was a joke. I even thought was hacked again (probably they are still using imapd). But it's for real. After countless posts in endless threads about the Unix Phylosophy and the KISS principal. After tons of garbage thrown on L.P. Slackware ships PulseAudio.

It feels so impure. I am speechless.

Oh, I am sorry. Sometimes I forget how many people here are stuck in the nineties.

There is no attitude shift. There is only a bunch of wannabe geeks who believe that installing Linux and administrating a primitive setup makes them experts.

Using Slackware makes me feel like a melomaniac with a rack stuffed with vinyls.

Please fix this mess !

What's wrong with Slackware
Don't get me wrong, you've provided some great stuff to the Slackware community, but your signal to noise ratio leaves something to be desired...

ivandi 01-22-2016 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by Richard Cranium (Post 5485597)
I've worked with and for Canadians for over 15 years in high tech. My statement was not made lightly.

So, you have two strong arguments, first I am not American and second I am Canadian.

Tu fais pitié, Richard.

a4z 01-23-2016 01:19 AM


Originally Posted by travis82 (Post 5485258)
So there is PAM, how about to begin investigating adding systemd?

and after adding systemd:
So there is systemd, how about to add Wayland?

and after Wayland:
Oh my god, there is Snappy package manager which let parallel installation of libraries same as Windows, How about to add it to Slackware too?


funny to see that after so many threads and pages people still did not get it, but of course, if you turn of brain and see ir from an religious perspective

systemd is the consequenze of PAM :doh:

the next FUD spreading person with to less clue what (s)he is talking about.

let me explain one more time
we boot the system already.
but we have no central authentication that needs PAM and that is standard these days, so on Slackware you have a lack on functionality without PAM.

I really wonder why those people that never accounted that lack of functionality do not just stop showing their lack of understanding, all threads would be much shorter,
From time to time someone would say 'ops I miss this now, what a pity that we dont have it, I wish it would be different' and we would be done.
But as soon as someone says so, our self declared knights and defenders of the whatever come and float the forum and threads with FUD, nonsenses and prove over and over that they do not even know what functionality is missing but that this does not matter for having an opinion, preferably a strong one.

In real this is a damage for Slackware, people have left and leave the distro because they need the functionality. None (exept there is always one fanatic) would leave because of adding this functionality.
At the end Slackware has less users and less donations, well done ...

elcore 01-23-2016 02:09 AM


Originally Posted by a4z (Post 5485781)
let me explain one more time
we boot the system already.
but we have no central authentication that needs PAM and that is standard these days, so on Slackware you have a lack on functionality without PAM.

No offense, but I have no need for trash in my flat, regardless of whether or not the majority thinks it's treasure.
You're not asking the building owner to include it in your own flat, you're trying to change the building policy to force it into everyone's flat.
For this reason alone, I've no sympathy for you, and assume you're just here to undermine the stability of the system for your own benefit.

a4z 01-23-2016 02:36 AM


Originally Posted by elcore (Post 5485893)
No offense, but I have no need for trash in my flat, regardless of whether or not the majority thinks it's treasure.
You're not asking the building owner to include it in your own flat, you're trying to change the building policy to force it into everyone's flat.

of course you do not have need for this functionality in your hobby home environment

Originally Posted by elcore (Post 5485893)
For this reason alone, I've no sympathy for you, and assume you're just here to undermine the stability of the system for your own benefit.

stability expert alarm

thanks for your outing as home hobby expert and the confirmation of what I have been written.

travis82 01-23-2016 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by a4z (Post 5485781)
funny to see that after so many threads and pages people still did not get it, but of course, if you turn of brain and see ir from an religious perspective

I don't know how you tie in my comment to my country and religion. Never mind, I would be someone like you if I try to answer to such silly comment.


systemd is the consequenze of PAM
How did you get such a foolish conclusion? I didn't say systemd is the consequence of PAM as Snappy isn't the consequence systemd. There are plenty distros with PAM which don't use systemd. I talked about moaning babies who always want new things without thinking about side effects.


I really wonder why those people that never accounted that lack of functionality do not just stop showing their lack of understanding
That's true. I never accounted any problem regarding lake of PAM and I never accounted any problem due to PA as I don't use Current. Tanks to Slackware developers and all these experienced slackers, I know where I can ask for help.


all threads would be much shorter
Sorry to rest of you for prolonging this thread


In real this is a damage for Slackware, people have left and leave the distro because they need the functionality. None (exept there is always one fanatic) would leave because of adding this functionality.
At the end Slackware has less users and less donations, well done ...
Are you sure? However, if I were PV I refused donations from sadomasochistic people.

allend 01-23-2016 02:49 AM


but we have no central authentication that needs PAM and that is standard these days, so on Slackware you have a lack on functionality without PAM
As LDAP has overtaken NIS, this has become an issue within corporate environments. The debate is about whether Slackware also needs to be a player in this arena when other distributions already can be used to meet the need, whether the additional requirements from the corporate arena (documentation, support, updates, release cycles) would be too burdensome. You perceive this lack of functionality as damaging to Slackware. I happily survive in my corporate environment without it.

From time to time someone would say 'ops I miss this now, what a pity that we dont have it, I wish it would be different'
As ivandl did, and made it happen, in this thread.
And it can also be seen in that thread that vbatts and rworkman have also looked at PAM.

But as soon as someone says so, our self declared knights and defenders of the whatever come and float the forum and threads with FUD, nonsenses and prove over and over that they do not even know what functionality is missing but that this does not matter for having an opinion, preferably a strong one.
Also looking at the quoted thread, you can see that from when the thread started and continuing for six months, there was nothing at all like you describe, but rather the reverse. The turning point in that thread was initiated by the OP.

a4z 01-23-2016 03:09 AM


Originally Posted by travis82 (Post 5485983)
I don't know how you tie in my comment to my country and religion. Never mind, I would be someone like you if I try to answer to such silly comment.

travis82, I did not mention you country in anyway, and religion is menat in the context of technical believes, as presentet in this thread. but feel free to run your own interpretation of what I have written, even if it has nothing to to with the reality.
it just shows me that you only want to present your point of view as reaction on keywords instate of getting the content and respect what people actually have been written.

travis82 01-23-2016 03:28 AM


Originally Posted by a4z (Post 5486068)
travis82, I did not mention you country in anyway, and religion is menat in the context of technical believes, as presentet in this thread. but feel free to run your own interpretation of what I have written, even if it has nothing to to with the reality.
it just shows me that you only want to present your point of view as reaction on keywords instate of getting the content and respect what people actually have been written.

So by ir you mean it not iran, by to to you mean to do and by instate you mean instead. Sorry man, you must use my signature as well.

a4z 01-23-2016 03:54 AM


Originally Posted by travis82 (Post 5486123)
So by ir you mean it not iran, by to to you mean to do and by instate you mean instead.

yes, to the first, ir should have been 'it', so I targeted the t but hit the r next to it, also a clear yes to the second, got the wrong word bad, my :(


Originally Posted by travis82 (Post 5486123)
Sorry man, you must use my signature as well.

I can agree on this, and I would, but, don't excuse for your english as non native speaker, I think there are even threads about that somewhere here (not in the Slackware section)
I will possible work on an appropriate alternative, good idea thanks for the input.

brobr 01-23-2016 08:33 AM

Can someone declare this thread 'solved'

genss 01-23-2016 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by brobr (Post 5486245)
Can someone declare this thread 'solved'

considering this thread was started as trolling for personal gain i conclude it will not be marked as [Solved] until Pat adds PAM to Slackware
(so not this year, at least)

xflow7 01-23-2016 10:29 AM

Seems like some people here don't understand the concept of "regression" as it applies to software development.

From a brief search, it appears that bluetooth support was added in Slackware 12.0 - i.e. 9 years ago. As such, bluetooth support is a de facto part of the Slackware specifications. If that support becomes broken, then software engineering principles would generally dictate that the developers identify and pursue a solution.

I have my own reasons for wanting PAM on my system, but to date I have not encountered any capability that one would deem part of the Slackware specification that is broken without it. If there has been anything, it's been fixed through some other means (i.e. the patches previously mentioned). If that changes, I imagine the dev team would add PAM to fix the regression.

There's no inconsistency here as far as I can tell.


gmgf 01-23-2016 10:44 AM

ask pam in music, pampam pampam pampaaaaammmm................. ;)

juste joke ;)

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