OK, I have ' localhost' in /etc/hosts. I used to also have ' computerroom' (the IP and hostname for this computer) in /etc/hosts but I removed that as it was causing sendmail to take a good minute or more to start when booting this computer up.
But when I removed ' computerroom' from /etc/hosts I started to get the following message during boot up:
Sep 29 05:17:30 computerroom lpd[401]: Get_local_host: hostname 'computerroom' bad
Plus I noticed that X would take longer to start as well.
So I added ' computerroom' back to /etc/hosts and I no longer get the above message. However sendmail once again takes a minute or more to start.
Is there some way to fix this so that sendmail starts faster and I don't get the above message concerning my hostname? Or is the best bet just to shut sendmail off in /etc/rc.d/rc.sendmail?
Do I really need sendmail running if I am using my ISP's mail server to send and receive email? Does sendmail send messages to root to warn about security breaches, etc.?