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Old 10-27-2013, 06:57 AM   #1
Didier Spaier
LQ Addict
Registered: Nov 2008
Location: Paris, France
Distribution: Slint64-15.0
Posts: 11,285

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slint: request for comments and contributions

All those interested in commenting and/or contributing to implement the road map of the Slint project proposed in attached document (also available here) please answer in this thread and/or in our mailing list. We need contributors for all tasks listed in the road map. Thanks in advance.
Attached Files
File Type: txt slint-rfcc.txt (4.2 KB, 36 views)

Last edited by Didier Spaier; 10-27-2013 at 08:55 AM.
Old 10-28-2013, 03:34 PM   #2
Registered: Apr 2013
Location: France
Distribution: Slackware; Ubuntu
Posts: 134

Rep: Reputation: Disabled
Just a few comments on the slint project:

1) I have seen that the slint roadmap also include the translation of man pages.
As you probably already know, there are french translations of Linux manpages and Is there a plan to include these translations in slint ? Or do you prefer to redo the translations
from scratch ?
2) According to the slint document:
Kernel keymap and font used during installation are set according to chosen
language but can be changed by user.
This could cause some complications. Some french Swiss keyboards have a different (QWERTZUIOP)
layout from the keyboards used in France (AZERTYUIOP).
I don't know whether the keyboards used in Québec or Belgium follow the layout used in France or another one.
Also, some French people who write a lot of C or LaTeX use US keyboards with a Compose key to avoid using
Altgr+4 and Altgr++ to obtain braces. It might be better to leave the choice keyboard of separate from
the default language of the installer.
1 members found this post helpful.
Old 10-28-2013, 06:18 PM   #3
Didier Spaier
LQ Addict
Registered: Nov 2008
Location: Paris, France
Distribution: Slint64-15.0
Posts: 11,285

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Rep: Reputation: Disabled
Hi edorig, thank you for your answer.
Originally Posted by edorig View Post
I have seen that the slint roadmap also include the translation of man pages.
I meant man page of tools specifically intended for Slackware (e.g. those included in packages 'pkgtools' and 'slackpkg' that are already translated in several languages, as stated in this document).
As you probably already know, there are french translations of Linux manpages and Is there a plan to include these translations in slint ? Or do you prefer to redo the translations
from scratch ?
I didn't know these translations existed, though I met once Gérard in a Linux event and have read long ago his "Guide de survie du débutant sous Linux".

I/we certainly don't want to redo the translations from scratch but maybe he did, as Denis Barbier pointed me to a tarball of all French translations of the linux man pages maintained by Michael Kerrisk (I've already built with that stuff a Slackware package of man-pages-fr that you'll find in this directory and intend to make others as according to Denis there should be up to date translations in Russian, German and Polish).

I didn't check yet the pointers you gave me but certainly will, thanks for that.
2) According to the slint document:

"Kernel keymap and font used during installation are set according to chosen language but can be changed by user."

This could cause some complications. Some french Swiss keyboards have a different (QWERTZUIOP)
layout from the keyboards used in France (AZERTYUIOP).
I don't know whether the keyboards used in Québec or Belgium follow the layout used in France or another one.
Also, some French people who write a lot of C or LaTeX use US keyboards with a Compose key to avoid using
Altgr+4 and Altgr++ to obtain braces. It might be better to leave the choice keyboard of separate from
the default language of the installer.
In fact we set at beginning of installation a default keyboard that depends on the locale used, but user can still change it either before running setup or while running it, as in the genuine installer.

Also, we propose the user to set in freshly installed system a default X keyboard (+ possibly variant and options) that doesn't depend on the locale but matches the current kernel keymap at end of installation (that have possibly been choosed by user, case occurring), see function SetXkbLayout in this script.

Of course user can still tune X settings to her taste editing file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/90-keyboard-layout.conf, before rebooting if she wishes

Last edited by Didier Spaier; 10-28-2013 at 07:19 PM. Reason: s/leaving the installer/rebooting/


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