Of course 64 bit binaries won't work on a 32 bit Slackware. Why try that?
As perbh pointed out, you could miss some library, either because you didn't install a full Slackware (you should), or you didn't install some dependency of slapt-get.
Also, which patches? I'm not aware of any needed patch.
Which version of slapt-get do you have, where did you get it, how did you install it?
Again, if you want to use Slackware, you'll have to learn how it works and to use (exclusively, at least till you master it) tools included in it. Slapt-get is not among them for a reason.
To begin learning how Slackware works, type "mail" on a terminal as root and read the mail from Patrick Volkerding then visit
Or, if for some reason you want to use slapt-get, just install Salix instead of Slackware.