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Old 11-26-2006, 11:32 AM   #1
Mr Marmmalade
Registered: Oct 2002
Location: Scotland
Distribution: Debian
Posts: 214

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Slackware success with Terrac Cinergy 1400 DVB-T PCI.

Hi, I've got my new Terrac Cinergy 1400 DVB-T PCI digital TV tuner card working & I'd thought it'd be good to share after I spent rather a long evening/night getting it to work . I'm running Slackware 10.2 with a kernel (the kernel config based on the SMP one supplied in Slackware 11, because I have odd issues with Slackware 11), on an Athlon64 X2 CPU + MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum motherboard. First, before I bought the card I researched PCI TV tuner cards on, in particular the DVB wiki pages. Here's what I ended up doing:

1. Install the hardware (card, aerial, cables).
2. Load module $ /sbin/modprobe cx88xx-dvb. Edit /etc/rc.d/rc.modules to do this at each boot.
3. At this point if I tried xine or Kaffeine they couldn't find the device. They were looking for a bunch of devices/files within /dev/dvb/adapterN directory, which didn't yet exist on my system (possibly Slackware 11 would be different).
4. After copious Googling, I wound up reading /usr/src/linux- & doing what it said, making sure also to $ chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.udev, if not already executable.
5. Upon rebooting udev did its thing, now creating & populating the /dev/dvb/adapterN directory at every bootup.
6. Loading xine or Kaffeine at this point still won't work as the permissions for the devices won't work for a normal user.
7. As root do $ chgrp video /dev/dvb/adapter*/* to fix the access to the devices. Obviously the normal user should be in the 'video' group.
8. These permissions get reset upon every reboot, so I added the above command to /etc.rc.d/rc.local file (it was already executable) to do this automatically upon startup.
9. I found Kaffeine to be an easy & decent player;
Or even better, the Slackware 10.2 package;
10. Kaffeine then worked at this point, correctly picking up the DVB-T device.
11. Next up was to find out which transmitter to chose. I found a handy webpage for UK transmitters; Just stick in your post code. I went with the Angus one near Dundee.
12. Select it in Kaffeine > DVB > Configure DVB > DVB Device & it worked. I'm using an indoors aerial which takes quite some luck in positioning, but playing around with re-scanning via Kaffeine > DVB > Channels > Start Scan, eventually found a good aerial position, watching the signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) bar.

13. The next steps are only for xine as Kaffeine is already working & is what I use, but I spent some time initially pully my hair out getting xine to work, so I thought I'd share it too.
14. Trying xine now (press the 'DVB' button on the GUI) says it can't find channels.conf, so we need to make this file by scanning the local digital transmitter, but it can't do this itself like Kaffeine did.
15. We need a 'scan' utility to do this, but annoyingly the information Google was finding me was mostly Debian-specifc and Slackware didn't come with any such 'scan' command. I eventually found, downloaded & extracted the following;
16. Went into ~/linuxtv-dvb-apps-1.1.1 and run $ make.
17. Go into subdriectory ~/linuxtv-dvb-apps-1.1.1/util/scan and try to follow the readme file. In my case the dvb-t subdirector didn't have the neccessary 'uk-Angus' transmitter information file. I'm not sure why the tar.bz2 file didn't have this file. Again Googling for it kept on taking me to Debian .deb related sites which listed the uk-Angus as being within its .deb file. So the uk-Angus file was out there somewhere, but I was pulling my hair out triyng to find it! See what I mean:
18. Evetually I stumbled upon a page where I could pick out the uk-Angus information from some programming code (ctrl+f was handy):
19. So now I could create the uk-Angus file, stick it into the /dvb-t subdirectory & run the scan utility $ ./scan dvb-t/uk-Angus | tee channels.conf
20. Step 19 is why I prefer Kaffine for at least getting a good indoor aerial position. I then put the channels.conf file into my ~/.xine/ directory, & then xine > DVB worked! Woohoo!

Maybe I did this the hard way, but if it helps anyone else then great.

EDIT: the title should say Terratec, not Terrac. D'oh!

Last edited by Mr Marmmalade; 11-26-2006 at 11:38 AM.


dvb, tuner, tv

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