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Old 03-26-2007, 12:34 PM   #1
Registered: Jan 2005
Location: Puerto Rico
Distribution: Slackware 13
Posts: 146

Rep: Reputation: 15
Slackware NFS install: SETUP COMPLETE in 5 seconds

...And then no installation has occurred.

On server:
/etc/exports is configured like this:


On client; before `setup' I setup nfs manually first
1- `network' command to load eth card
2- ifconfig eht0 up
3- /sbin/rpc.portmap
4- mkdir /slamd
5- mount -t nfs /slamd -o rw,nolock

When I cd to /slamd I can see the installation files and
I can even browse the share.

After I run setup I choose the pre-mounted option and I can
select the premounted folder /slamd, configure the package
selection options, and then after selecting `Full' install
system starts installing but in about 5 secongs it sais
`SETUP COMPLETE'. After reboot, no actual installation has

Tried huge26, bare.i, sata
Tried adding client to /etc/hosts and /etc/hosts.allow

I read somwhere it has to do with kernel options I have to
enable on server, but I'm not sure about that since I can
see the mounted share and even browse it.

Had did you solved this?

Old 03-26-2007, 01:22 PM   #2
Alien Bob
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First, slamd64 is not Slackware.

Originally Posted by mokele
On client; before `setup' I setup nfs manually first
1- `network' command to load eth card
2- ifconfig eht0 up
3- /sbin/rpc.portmap
4- mkdir /slamd
5- mount -t nfs /slamd -o rw,nolock

When I cd to /slamd I can see the installation files and
I can even browse the share.
I don't know about the slamd64 installer, but it should function alike the Slackware installer. In Slackware there is a menu after you select "NFS install" where you enter your IP address, that of the NFS server and the exported NFS filesystem, after which Slackware installer will try to mount the NFS export to the correct directory. No manual configuration outside of the installer is required apart from running the command "network".
Also, the directory on the NFS export which you feed to the installer, must show the package set directories, i.e. a,ap,d,e,f....,y. If this is not done (for instance you enter the Slackware root directory below which you find the "slackware" directory) your install will fail similar to what you experience.

Old 03-26-2007, 06:23 PM   #3
Registered: Jan 2005
Location: Puerto Rico
Distribution: Slackware 13
Posts: 146

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 15
Exellent !!!

Thanks Eric.

My problem was overconfidence. I was doing this so fast that
I wasn't reading the `Select Source Directory' panel

I just typed /home/share like about a 100 times. To no avail.
Should have been /home/share/slackware.

I was doing all those steps thinking that may be the NFS install
option wasn't working well. -So much for assumptions.

Thanks again



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