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Old 11-11-2003, 07:00 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2003
Posts: 5

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Slackware 9.1 & IRC (identd)

I just recently got a dual boot system with XP and Slack on seperate drives using LILO up and running and connecting to the internet. But I quickly discovered that identd is crippled out of service with the iso I burned to install from.(Maybe the whole distro? I remember some security concerns regarding it) I have tried compiling pidentd and overwriting the previous binary, forcing inetd to start it (which worked once), and even a command line start to the &ground, all to no avail. Even when I could see the daemon running with a ps aux|grep identd I was knocked off all identd required IRC servers.(port 113 was uncommented from my identd.conf file and port forwarding setup at the router and verified working via XP)

I tried googling for the answer but did not find anything close to my situation. (Just like I remember from the old 2.0.2x kernel days...)

Help would be greatly appreciated as I look forward to getting back into my LinuxMojo and contributing to the community.

1.) How can I get a mostly secure identd running enough to IRC for #linux?

2.) When running, where I can look such as error logs etc to find out why identd requests were being ignored? e.g. tail -f /var/log/messages

Many thanx in advance!!
Old 11-11-2003, 07:43 PM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2003
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Further probing... I am not sure if I have Slack set to open the port, but netstat -pant shows:

tcp 0 0* LISTEN 782/inetd

But I am still not seeing the daemon from a ps aux|grep identd. Misconfig somewhere?
Old 11-12-2003, 09:15 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
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For those getting the same number of responses as I am and in a similar boat:

tail -f on /var/log/debug shows when inetd is starting the daemon [in.identd actually], and this is when I can see it grepping the ps aux list. netstat -pant is showing inetd listening on port 113 and reading /etc/identd.conf as I can change the number of connections and see the difference when I restart inetd from the rc.d directory and attempt some connections. I can see inetd getting a request but sitting in TIME_WAIT and failing to respond or respond quick enough to requests. These requests build up to the max number designated in identd.conf till they time out.

I hope this can provide some guidance to somebody having similar issues, when I figure out the solution I will post it. If this kickstarts somebody with the knowledge to help into posting a suggestion again thank you in advance it is greatly appreciated.
Old 11-16-2003, 04:20 PM   #4
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2003
Posts: 5

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Incredible outpouring from the community, this is precisely why Linux is the #1 desktop OS with full support of software vendors/hardware vendors and why Microsoft users have to pour over near useless documentation and still get nowhere afterwards even with asking for support! HA! And they say it's all in their marketing.

For those that might be watching this thread in hopes that it could help you here is where things stand so far. Doing a tcpdump -l -i eth0 I was able to confirm requests are indeed being forwarded past my router and switching to lo i was able to confirm the auth port locally is working and able to get a correct response(using localhost.thisnumber, 113). However, even though I can see on the eth0 side requests being received and processed IRC servers are not. I have tried adding some iptables rules to accept auth packets with my public IP and private IP for INPUT and OUTPUT...but with no success.

I'm not sure where to run with this next, but will post the solution when I find it. Good luck to anybody else who thinks the Linux "community" is good for anything else besides whining about how Microsoft is bad for a functioning product with support.


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