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Old 01-08-2014, 01:39 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2007
Posts: 4

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Slackware 14.1 Streaming Audio Trouble

I have decent wireless network connection. Streaming video works well, like from youtube, for example. But streaming audio from radio stations constantly stalls. It doesn't matter what app is playing the audio, could be from within browser or using xine or any of the other playback tools.

I've launched iptraf and watched the connection. It looks like some initial activity fills up the pipe, and that's it. So the audio plays out until the buffer is consumed and then nothing else. Sometimes, but not always, the connection times out and closes. Sometimes, it stays open and might play another spurt of audio much later.

I don't know what to check or adjust on this one. Previously, same laptop running Slack 13.37 worked just fine.

thanks in advance for any ideas
Old 01-09-2014, 08:44 AM   #2
LQ 5k Club
Registered: Oct 2003
Location: Western Australia
Distribution: Icewm
Posts: 5,842

Rep: Reputation: Disabled
ok lets do some within browser tests to start the ball rolling?

click on link and hopefully you can play a 32 kbps link (science mainly voice)

assuming you can handle that now try a trance radio 256 kbps

this should play in firefox or chrome

report pls

2) I would like you then to try vlc but before I "force" another app on you

what do you use?

3) are there some radio stations you can not play?

what format are they?
eg m3u or pls .....which vlc should be able to handle as most others should as well

4) Have you tried streamripper?

good luck


can you post the links causing you issues?


Last edited by aus9; 01-09-2014 at 08:51 AM. Reason: slower link found
Old 01-10-2014, 10:50 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2007
Posts: 4

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 0
1) None of the links on those pages would play anything for me.


3) I'm not really sure about the file format. But - I did try some streaming from a couple of places to see what give. So, from WABC radio, that stream works better than most. It would run for a long time, but every now and then, it pauses the stream.

I tried KSBR streaming. It sometimes works, sometimes not. For this, I ran xine as the player.

I tried to stream bellyup4blues using xine and this one fails very quickly.

In all cases, with iptraf launched, monitoring the TCP/IP packets, I can see my laptop and the far-end exchanging data. In all cases, I can see it just simply stop exchanging. The connection doesn't always close, just stuck. I haven't done any packet sniffing other than that.

Originally, I thought streaming video worked - but now think that too isn't so good. Longer videos, say 1 hour, also seem to stop at random times, with the connection closed.

One more thing - even browsing the web is slow. Before you go and blame the laptop, it is dual boot with windows and there is no problem at all there - so the hardware is sound. Also - previous Slackware 13.37 did not have this problem either.

I think the problem is not the applications (VLC, xine, etc) but lower in the network settings or maybe even the kernel? I'm not sure where to go next.

Old 01-11-2014, 01:48 AM   #4
LQ 5k Club
Registered: Oct 2003
Location: Western Australia
Distribution: Icewm
Posts: 5,842

Rep: Reputation: Disabled

but test you have flash

also your browser needs to do javascript as per my inspection of below wabc link

<script type="text/javascript" src="" defer="defer" use_cdn="1"></script>
2) there might be a geo-block on my links as you don't reveal which country you are.
I will assume US due to

can you play

which is 77wabc radio

3) I use google chrome and can't use the listennow button at

but I can't play inside the web a random station eg

4) I can also play by pushing the play embedded button at

now we are getting somewhere.....see those 4 icons below the player?
3rd and 4th offer file links that end in .pls

download one of them....I chose to be winamp
the file saves itself with a name listen.pls

vlc can play it as it claims to be a shoutcast playlist (pls)


I have decent wireless network connection
One more thing - even browsing the web is slow
would suggest you should look at starting a new thread in slackware as I don't use it

good luck


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