I've tried it the way you do, exporting from a 32-bit machine, mounting on a 64-bit machine.
Both on slackware14.1.
Everything seems to be ok so far. Maybe one difference: I have "everything" running on both
machines since this is behind a firewall (all network related rc's).
You probably didn't forget to restart rc.nfsd after a exports change so I won't bother you
asking that
Ill try exporting 64-32 now...
Your problem is confirmed here.
Mounting an nfs share from my 64-bit machine on my 32-bit machine
does not work !
I'll try to investigate why. This is strange because I have had it working
before. Maybe a patch broke something ?? (all the latest patches here).
For some reason my rpc portmapper wasn't doing it's job. Once I got
it going again everything started working. It's not supposed to just
die is it ?