Hello everyone
I have worked in a plasmoid for KDE, thanks to this I found a bug in KDE 4.10.5 , specifically in libraries that handle load the "DataSource" of KDE (kde-runtime-4.10.5 package).
The problem occurs when multiple plasmoids are added , and that capture the "onSourceAdded" signal in "DataSource".
I tried the same plasmoid in other versions of KDE ( Kubuntu ) and everything works fine, only gives the problem with the KDE version of Slackware.
If anyone can confirm the bug , I leave the one plasmoid for testing and see the source.
For install: plasmapkg -i dataSourceTest.zip
For uninstall: plasmapkg -r dataSourceTest
If used for the first time everything works fine, but if it is removed and added again the problems start, like when you add more of the same plasmoid; not even work if you have more of a plasmoid added using this same type of connection to DataSource component.
The plasmoid has two labels that displays uptime , the first using a direct connection, by assigning the " DataSource " specific data, the second connection is dynamic and assigns the connection when the object is created, which is where the problem occurs and only the word "Data" will be read.
P.D. Sorry for my bad english.