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Old 03-02-2014, 08:16 PM   #1
Registered: Mar 2010
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Posts: 70

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Slackware 14.1 and Steam. Very happy.

Just a quick hello and hat tip to Steam. Lately I have not done much with the computer, tablets and phone doing most of what I use a computer for. Then I hear the guys at Jupiter Broadcasting talking about steam on Linux. I ditched 64B and start fresh with 32B and alienbobs steam script. I am very impressed. Games play the way they should. I used wine for a couple years but there was always some tweaking needed. This works flawlessly. I still don't think Steam on Linux will save Valve or the PC,(my house now has 3x as many tablets as computers) but I will enjoy it as long as it lasts. I waited years to play mainstream games on Linux and now its here.
Old 03-02-2014, 11:34 PM   #2
LQ Guru
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On the surface, the quality of Steam and how gaming has progressed on Linux, I agree with you. However afaik Valve doesn't need saving. They are doing quite well and their choice to develop not only a gaming platform that caters to Linux, but an actual Linux distribution, plus Steam machines to directly compete with consoles AND incentives for those game developers who wish to get in on the online distribution and lowered costs that Steam provides is a game changer that makes iTunes' trailblazing pale by comparison.

As for PCs well that's a bit of a different story. There is little doubt that the bulk of the market is "going mobile". However I seriously doubt if that means the end of the PC, any more than improved public transportation, incentives both positive and negative for car pooling etc. have killed the single driver car phenomenon, and for similar reasons.

In addition to the obvious value of being able to upgrade components impossible in mobile units, there are many other issues at stake. Given the excitement over such apps as KDE Connect, that allow a user to transfer files to and even control a home PC from a phone, I'm betting PCs will be around for quite some time yet.
Old 03-03-2014, 04:41 AM   #3
Alien Bob
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I am glad you had a pleasurable experience with Steam, slkrover.

I do not think that the PC platform will be obsolete any time soon, however. Playing high-end games on a tablet is not going to be feasible for a long time, and if you are playing your games on a Steam Machine connected to your television using a wireless controller, it is still a Linux distribution on an Intel-compatible hardware platform which is pushing the pixels. In essence, that Steam Machine is a regular computer, albeit using a small form factor.

Enorbet, my next batch of KDE packages (KDE 4.12.3) will have kdeconnect-kde in it. I am targeting Slackware-current with these KDE 4.12.3 packages, but I have built them on Slackware 14.1 so that more people can profit from them. Wait for tomorrow for those packages to appear in public (along with the official KDE source release announcement).

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Old 03-03-2014, 05:28 AM   #4
LQ Guru
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Thanks Eric..You da Man!


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