There seems to be a problem with the build script for the nvidia driver (260.19.29) on slackbuilds.org if used for 32 bit (i686) for the new and shiny slackware 13.37. I could build the kernel successfully. But if your system is i686, the build script expects the installer, settings and xconfig tarballs to be present which meant are listed for 64bit on slackbuilds.org.
Furthermore it was noted that 260.19.29 would not work with the new kernel, in my case, but is that easily changed to the correct file. (
I've tried to comment out the unneeded parts in the build script but unsuccessful, as i am still mostly a newbie.
After reading Pat's settingupslackware.txt, where he points out that slackware users used to build there own packages from source, I thought i give installing the nvidia driver directly a try. Here is a post on how to do this:
http://slackwiki.org/NVIDIA-Commercial-Drivers. Only thing that should be add is a restart after blacklisting nouveau, else the nvidia (NVIDIA-Linux-x86-270.41.06.run) will not build since nouveau is still running.
Until now this is working well, I hope this is somewhat helpful and hope this is posted in the correct place.
Kind regards,