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Old 02-03-2007, 12:09 PM   #1
Registered: Jul 2005
Location: Manchester, UK
Distribution: Slackware 14.2
Posts: 58

Rep: Reputation: 15
Unhappy Slackware 11 on a laptop (problems and problems and problems)

Well i got this new laptop from gateway (MX 3215).
I installed slackware 11.The instalation went smooth with no problem.
But right now i am having 3/4 problems.
1st of all my modem aint working.The sound aint working.
But the major problem is that i am unable to write to ntfs drive i have for windows.(right now i am
using windows for internet).


i added this in fstab , in the options sections for the ntfs drive
but still i cant write to it even with root.
And without that i cant post any info about my sytem here on this forum (e-g dmesg) to discuss other problems.
SO guys please help me so i can post other necessary info.
Old 02-03-2007, 12:27 PM   #2
Registered: Mar 2006
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modem: no idea. ever tried another distro with it? is it a winmodem?

sound: alsaconf as root should set you up

ntfs: the place to start looking is /usr/src/linux- . why do you need it to get info about your system?

laptop things: make sure you uncomment the cpufrequencing scaling modules in rc.modules and while you are at it, install something like powernowd.
Old 02-03-2007, 12:37 PM   #3
Registered: Jul 2005
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well i need to write to ntfs drive so that when i use internet with windows i can post all the info about modem and alsa and dmsg here on the linuxquestions.
The modem is to be discussed in detail.But right now i am focusing on the 1st problem that How can i write to ntfs.
I have a hint that i have to change the fstab file.

Last edited by kizersouzay; 02-03-2007 at 12:40 PM.
Old 02-03-2007, 12:44 PM   #4
Registered: Mar 2006
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"rw,uid=0,gid=0,umask=777" should have already done the trick. just for a test, try:
mount -o rw -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /mnt/tmp ; touch /mnt/tmp/test.

umount /dev/hda1 first and just to be sure "rmmod ntfs".
dmesg | tail should read:
NTFS driver 2.1.27 [Flags: R/W MODULE].
NTFS volume version 3.1.

Last edited by erklaerbaer; 02-03-2007 at 12:53 PM.
Old 02-03-2007, 01:21 PM   #5
Registered: Jan 2006
Distribution: Slackware
Posts: 41

Rep: Reputation: 16
Normaly writing to NTFS is discouraged and even disabled in the (default) kernel.
And with this option it is still only possible to replace an equal size file with a new one.

To write to NTFS look at

Probably a lot more that changing the fstab
Old 02-03-2007, 01:38 PM   #6
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You could create a small Fat partition for swapping data between Slackware and windows as I belive Slackware can write to Fat32 OK. This drive could read/writable from Windows as well. Be careful if trying to use Windows tools to resize partitions as I have lost data doing this. I have however succesfully resized and juggled around Linux/windows partitioning schemes using Linux tools - I used a live CD (PCLinux OS) to achieve this but I must say it was with some trepidation. Ideally I would back up anything valuable before playing with partitions if possible. I don't want't to try and offer a step by step guide for you as doing some research via Google is probably the best bet. A Fat32 partition should definitely work as a swap area for the two OS's.
Another method I have used it to mail myself any files via XP to a hotmail account then download it from that mail account under Slackware ( use the mailbox as a temporary holding area). This however is a contrived way of doing things but always an option. This may be done the other way round - i.e. mail yourself from slackware and pick it up from windows. Hope this has given you some ideas..
Old 02-03-2007, 02:02 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by bgeddy
You could create a small Fat partition for swapping data between Slackware and windows as I believe Slackware can write to Fat32 OK.
This is what I was gonna suggest as well, this is what I had to do when I was dual-booting Window$ ... a long long time ago.
Old 02-03-2007, 03:32 PM   #8
Registered: Jul 2005
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thanks everyone.
Well i guess i should get a small fat partition.Initially i thought i should convert the whole ntsf partition to fat32.I use partion magic to change the partition table.A nice tool for windows.but its better to get the so called swap partition for the 2 OS's.
Thankx for help everybody.
Old 02-03-2007, 04:13 PM   #9
Registered: Jan 2006
Distribution: Slackware
Posts: 41

Rep: Reputation: 16
Or use a USB memory stick.

That is what I'm doing. But ftp to a 2nd PC might also be an option.
Old 02-03-2007, 09:48 PM   #10
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As other people have stated, ntfs write support is disabled.

Try and you will also need

Old 02-03-2007, 10:47 PM   #11
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And as far as the modem, GOOD **** LUCK
LOL, the newer the kernel (or the newer the Slackware) the less likely it is that the modem will work. Check the HCL on this site, and post what the modem is (if you havent already).. Theres half a chance I already have a driver for it if it's a winmodem, I have a dozen or so that don't work for me, but maybe one will work for you. Check out, and the Connexant site, and be patient with Google.. I have 3 modems here and none of them work;
a HSF56 Micromodem (ESS/Pine)
Intel 536ep 56k
and an HSP56 PCTel modem.
The Intel one is a full modem, and it worked well with my original kernel, but no longer.. Since I recompiled a new kernel 2.6.x.x.
Old 02-03-2007, 11:11 PM   #12
Registered: Mar 2003
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There is much more support for reading and writing from windows to linux file systems.

check out:
This is what I use from windows if I ever need a file from my ext2 fs.
This allows read / write access to the fs, although i've never tested it becasuse I never have had to write to my ext2 from windows.
Old 02-04-2007, 08:17 AM   #13
Registered: Jul 2005
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About the Modem

WEll its an AC'97 Modem ( i wonder what is that)
from via technologies.
It is easily detected by linux and is listed in 'lspci -v'.In windows device manager its listed as 'Agere systems AC'97 Modem' .
In the /proc/ioports its written as 'Intel 537'

I know its a winmoden and probably its an AMR too and there is very limited support for it i have searched some posts on LQ that state that they are using AC'97 modem easily.
Any idea
Old 02-04-2007, 01:09 PM   #14
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Interesting.. I too have the onboard version of the AC97 modem, and know that it *is* supported by various distros. It is however only 'half' a modem, like a winmodem, only it is the other half..LOL.. I guess you have a PCI card which makes up the other half, or have you got an actual plug-in 'AC97 PCI modem'?.
If your modem device is infact an Intel537 chipset model, it is supported by kernel 2.4, but support is limited/vague with the 2.6 kernel. I have one of those modems here, and got the driver from intel, but it won't work with my current kernel.
Again, check, and also Google it using 'Intel 537ep' and follow the links to the Intel website-- they make drivers for their modems, for linux, but support is not perfect.
Old 02-04-2007, 03:34 PM   #15
Registered: Jul 2004
Distribution: Slackware
Posts: 615

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If you have pcmcia slots

Then there's some (perhaps now older - nonetheless highly likely probably working), say, 56K 3com and/or USR pcmcia modem card.

HCL likely shows some of these as compatable.

Relatively inexpensive at surplus computer store and/or online auction such as Ebay, for example.



boot, dual, mount, ntfs, permissions, read, write

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