slackware 10.2, kernel 2.6.16, and initrd
Hi guys. I've had this problem only using the 2.6.16 kernel and this doesn't seem to be the case with the 2.6.15. I've compiled the kernel source and set all appropriate options using make menuconfig. I've made the filesystems I use, ext2/ext3 built into the kernel and thus have no modules.
I receive a VFS kernel panic every single time I try to boot from this kernel. Somewhere I was advised that if I was using slackware I should have an initrd. From what I understand the entire point of the initrd is to load modules the kernel does NOT have built in functionality for before loading the root partition. This is contradictive seeing as how I have ext3 built IN and thus have NO MODULES. So I tried it anyway by rebuilding the kernel with ext3 set to module and created the ramdisk with:
mkinitrd -c -k 2.6.16 -m jbd:ext3 -f ext3 -r /dev/hda4
hda4 is my root partition, of type ext3.
Now, when I did this with the kernel panic was replaced with some error about killing INIT. However my point is that at LEAST the ramdisk was LOADED as specified by my lilo.conf.
When I loaded the 2.6.16 kernel the ramdisk FAILS TO LOAD ENTIRELY and I get the usual VFS kernel panic trying to load root. I didn't expect it to work, however I at least hoped to see the initrd run to begin with. 2.6.15 at least loaded the ramdisk before failing, whereas 2.6.16 just refuses to load the ramdisk.
My lilo conf:
Clearly, the initrd is pointed to in my conf file and lilo doesn't complain about not finding it. However when booted the 2.6.16 kernel simply bypasses it as if I hadn't created a rd to begin with.
Any help is appreciated. This problem has been a constant one preventing me from getting the 2.6 kernel installed for the ONLY purpose of installing the ipw2200 wireless drivers I need to get online.
- slacker