Originally Posted by MaxxxaM
ok newb question how do I do this if I can't get it to boot up?
I realy appreciate the help.
as said, you can boot from the cd or dvd and mount
your linux partition somewhere.
(make a directory to mount the partition)
mkdir myslack
( mount it ; here the partition is hda1 and the filesystem is ext3;
change it to what you need)
mount -t ext3 /dev/hda1 /myslack
you can then either edit the file, but i'm not sure wich editor you can use.
i think only "vi" will be there.
if you know how to use "vi" , edit the file,
else you can change the permissions for that file to nonexecutable, just to
boot your own system, like
chmod -x /myslack/etc/rc.d/rc.modules
evt. check if the chmod was a success with:
ls -l /myslack/etc/rc.d/rc.modules
you should see no "x"'-es in the permissions ( just rw).
after that try to boot as normal and edit the file.
you can then use "pico" to edit the file like :
pico /etc/rc.d/rc.modules
( pico is easy to use: arrows to move, type to edit,
ctrl-o to save, ctrl-x to quit)
finally restore the permissions with :
chmod +x /myslack/etc/rc.d/rc.modules
that should be it...